☆𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7☆

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A/N: I highkey skipped most of Colter but ngl it's my least favorite chapter because of the freakin snow. did a bunch of skipping around but who even cares at this point LMAO. all photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Word Count: 1267

Warnings: none :D

also here's her outfit! take off the jacket and you have what she wore in Chapter 2

also here's her outfit! take off the jacket and you have what she wore in Chapter 2

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The cold air bit into my skin as I stirred awake. Arthur found a mining camp for us to set up in. The girls and most everyone else were housed in the main building. Abigail was talking to Tilly over by the fire.

"He ain't been seen in days. The weather ain't let up."

"He's strong and he's smart," Tilly reassured Abigail.

"Strong at least." Abigail huffed and rolled her eyes.

It was true. John wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least he wasn't Bill.

Arthur pushed open the door to the building. I took that as my cue to start getting up. I pulled on my thick, dark coat. I then picked up my gloves from the bench next to me. As I pulled them on, I looked up to see Javier cleaning his gun a few feet away from me. How long has he been there? Jesus Christ. I huffed out a short breath of air before standing up and leaving the building.

I trudged through the snow to Pearson's barn. "Hey." I tipped my hat in greeting.

"Miss Deiter." Pearson gave a nod in return. "I'm afraid we don't have much food. Someone has to go hunting soon."

"I'd offer, but as you know, my arm's damn near useless at the moment."

"Yes, of course. You can take something if you want. Just try to leave something for the rest of us."

"Thanks, Pearson." I grabbed an apple and a can of baked beans. Of course, I didn't have a horse to feed the apple to, but I could always save it for later. Maybe Ennis could use a snack. Since Sean disappearing, the stallion had been depressed. I walked around to the back of Pearson's barn. I spotted Ennis over by Boaz, the Count, and Arthur's new horse, which he'd brought from a ranch last night.

"Here, boy!" I made a few kissing noises, and Ennis came trotting over. I held the apple in my palm, letting Ennis eat the fruit. He practically inhaled it, and I couldn't help but laugh a little. I heard the door of the main building open, and I looked up to see Arthur and Javier step out of the building and whistle for their horses. I followed behind Boaz.

"Where are you boys off to? Can I come?"

"We're gonna look for John. Abigail and Hosea insisted." Arthur rolled his eyes as he mounted his horse. "And no, you can't come. You have to rest up. We don't know where he is; you could pull your stitches out and then we'd have two injured fools to deal with."

☆Serendipity☆ RDR2 Javier X OCWhere stories live. Discover now