Chapter 2

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A/N: I forgot to mention this earlier, but this story was inspired by the multiple crossover fics I've seen around lol. I really love both shows, so it seemed perfect. I have already typed up the last chapter so we gucci. ALSO, there is no 'set' time for this fic (I know some people like to imagine the characters in certain ways). Ok that's all. I hope you enjoy :)

Hotch was doing everything in his power to distract himself from the painful thoughts piercing his mind, but with every passing hour it became worse. Most of those thoughts were of you.

You haven't called in almost four days. If you missed one or two days, then fine. You're an adult, but you have never left a message unread or not called back for so long. Especially when it comes to him.

That worry came to a head today; the day you were supposed to be back. He was almost antsy to see you. To make sure you were alright. One minute turned to an hour, then one hour to two. Eventually, the whole day went by, stealing glances towards your desk and the door, but nothing.

"Hey, has anyone heard from (Y/N)?" Emily asked, sitting on her desk as if ready to leave. Everyone looked at each other, shaking their heads.

"Not for a few days," Rossi said, knowing this wasn't good.

"Me, too. I even called her a couple of times to ask how her trip was going, but both calls were sent straight to voicemail." Reid chimed in. Hotch's eyes grew as he realized he was not the only one you weren't answering. Something felt wrong, and one look at each other showed the team felt the same.

"Hotch, this is off; especially for (Y/N)," Morgan said, everyone looking to the unit chief.

"Ok, let's meet up at (Y/N)'s, see if she's been there recently. Morgan, call Garcia on the way. She went home earlier than the rest of us. Let's go." Hotch ordered, and just like that, they were on the trail.


Once the team saw your apartment untouched, they knew you were gone. They had to follow you, and thankfully Garcia was able to track your cell phone when it was last used a few days ago. Thus leading them to Cedar Creek, South Dakota; a town ravaged by a string of killings lately.

"I don't understand. (Y/N)'s smart, so she would've researched any dangers of where she was going, especially when there were lives lost." Reid said as they traveled to the police station.

"I was surprised the sheriff accepted our offer to come out. They must be desperate." JJ spoke.

"It's no coincidence (Y/N) comes to a town rifled with murders and then disappears. She's gotta be in the middle of this." Morgan pitched. Hotch agreed, but the idea made him sick. He couldn't lose you.

"Agreed. So we work this case and find (Y/N) in the process." He said. Once they got to the police station, they went straight to work.

"Ok, just to rundown again; Emma Lang, Troy Kingsley, Madison Baker, Alica Fern, Casey Jones, and Alex Raff. All found within days of each other, all drained of blood. The victims also had multiple wounds, layered." JJ grimaced.

"You mean this sick bastard used them over and over again?" Morgan asked and JJ just nodded.

"I think you mean bastards: plural. No way less than five people did this job." Rossi pitched. Hotch kept glancing at the wound photos, silently hoping you weren't going through that right now.

"Ok, we'll split up; Morgan and Rossi, you take the dumpsites, JJ and Reid on the victimology. Prentiss, you're with me. We need to find out what happened to (Y/N)."

The Profiler and Hunter (CM x SPN MiniFanfic)Where stories live. Discover now