Chapter 6

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Nothing. That's all you felt. Weak and numb to the point where you wondered if your heart was still beating. After getting rid of Alex's body, the nest has been feeding off of you, but slower than their previous victims. 'She's special. We have to make her last,' they said. 

You don't know how long you were in here, but every day you felt your strength slipping. A few days ago, you could've lit the whole barn on fire, but now you can't even light a match; specially bound like this. You knew your family was coming or you, you just hoped they wouldn't be too late.

All you've been doing since your capture was reliving memories in your head; your last birthday, when you joined the BAU, your first hunt, when John found you as a child. All fond memories that helped you escape. All things to keep fighting for.

You were pulled out of another memory when some of the vamps busted into the barn, giggling madly without a care in the world after they probably slaughtered someone else in the next town over. They started doing that when they heard about you. Bastards...

"Oh blood bank~ We're back~" Heather giggled, "Time for a midnight snack."

If you had enough energy to snap back, you would, but all you could do was steady your breathing as she approached you with her usual hungry eyes.

"Wait, Heather." Jared held her back, surprising everyone, "She's weak. If we want her to last, we need to give her some time."

Heather thought for a moment before she had a eureka moment.

"Wait, I know how to make her last for A LOT longer, "She grinned. Uh oh.

"Do you mean..."

"Think about it! Sure feeding on a Winchester is delicious, but a Winchester doing the feeding with us?" She almost moaned at her idea, and the nest laughed like a pack of hyenas. You may not have as much time as you thought.

You tried your magic, knowing it wouldn't work but you had to try. Wriggling, you even tried to scream at her as she came closer, but that was even more useless as she grabbed one of your blades, slicing her palm and letting the blood flow.

"Say ah~"


"We should be there in a few minutes," Jodie relayed over the phone to Sam and Dean. They split up into two cars; the brothers following Jody's car.

"Ok, when we get there we need to be on high alert. (Y/N) is a damn good hunter, but she's probably been their personal juice box for a while. She'll be weak." Dean explained, knowing it took a lot to take you out.

Meanwhile, not too far behind them were two SUVs with their lights off, trailing them at every turn.

"We're lucky they kept their lights on, or we'd be lost," Rossi said as he drove.

"Garcia, have you found out what's back here?" JJ asked into the phone.

"Yes mon ami, and although it took me a while, there appears to be an abandoned farmhouse at the end of the road. It's been abandoned for so long, it only appears on satellite photos and local maps, which these perfectly manicured hands scoured through."

"You're the best, babygirl," Morgan said.

"Wait!" Garcia said before JJ could hang up, "I also ran the faces of those very handsome men through facial recognition from the police station's security footage, and ho boy those pretty faces became not so pretty. Their names are Sam and Dean Winchester; brothers, with the taller one being Sam. They were wanted a while ago for murder, grave robbing, you name it and they've done it. But get this, all my resources say that they died a few years ago. Caput. Sleeping with the fishes."

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