Chapter 8

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Hunger. That was the first thing you remember feeling when you woke up. Not for blood, but for a good grilled cheese. The cure worked. You silently thanked the moon and stars as you opened your eyes, realizing you were finally safe. You were in a bed, not the motel's, but not your own either. It looked familiar, but you couldn't quite place it. Not while you were still tired and your memory was fuzzy.

You threw off the covers, flinching when your feet touched the cool floor. Taking your first steps in a while felt odd, but good. At least you could still walk. You made small steps towards the closed door, gently opening it and peering out into the hallway. No one.

You stepped to where you think the living room and kitchen are, glancing at the photos along the wall. You stopped, recognizing the faces; Jody, Alex, and Claire. You felt a weight being lifted when you realized you were in Sioux Falls, in Jody's home. You barely remember what happened after you drank - correction; were forced to drink - Heather's blood, but Jody and the boys finally got to you.

Wondering where they were, you continued more confidently down the hallway, knowing Jody would have bitchin' leftovers in the fridge. You turned the corner and there you saw the couch in the living room, open into a bed. Your brothers must have been staying here, too. Great, but where?

Before you could continue to the kitchen, the front door opened, and in walked Jody and your brothers with grocery bags in their arms. Their conversation stopped mid-sentence when they noticed you up and about.

"Anything to make grilled cheese in there?" you smiled. Jody almost ran to hug you.

"I will make you 100 grilled cheeses, just never do that again." she lectured, pulling you in tight as you wrapped your arms around her, minding the groceries.

"Alright, moose and squirrel. Bring it in." You called to them and they quickly joined, glad to see their sister ok.

"So, where's Agent Moody?" Dean asked, putting the bags on the counter and grabbing a beer. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Agent Moody?" Before you could ask them any more, flushing was heard from down the hall, then rapid footsteps a few seconds later.

"Sheriff? (Y/N) is-" Hotch came around the corner, stopping when he saw you awake. You stared back at him, eyes wider than an owl.

"Aaron?" You whispered, wondering if you were still unconscious until he grabbed your shoulders, pulling you in. He put his head on yours with his hand running through your hair.

"I know, (Y/N). I know everything." And it came back. The fight, the team with your brothers, the cure, Aaron not leaving your side while you were in and out of consciousness.

You slowly brought your shaky hands up, running them over his back before gripping his shirt for dear life. All the pain and secrets were out in the open now. It began as one tear, then two, then a sob racked your body before the dam burst. You were a blubbering mess, only muttering 'I'm sorry' over and over again, tightening your grip for fear that this was a dream and he'll disappear if you let go. He just listened to you and stroked your head, trying hard not to let the tears he built slip, but failing in the end.


Clanking could be heard in the kitchen as Jody and the boys prepared lunch, leaving you and Hotch on the couch for some much needed alone time.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. It's just... This life. It's so hard to escape. My parents were killed by other witches, and the man that took me in - John Winchester - was killed some year ago because of this life. Not to mention the number of times WE died," Hotch wanted to ask, but he let you talk, "This life is painful for everyone involved. You never know who's gonna die, or when, or what is going to kill you."

"It's the same at the BAU."

"But those monsters don't have fangs or glowing eyes or magic. They're just human. It makes me feel more normal. More in control, I guess," You sighed, staring up at him.

"There is nothing normal about you, but that's what makes you a good person. The person that I love," He whispered, reaching his hand to cup your face and lips twitching up when you leaned into his touch, "I wish I could save you this pain."

"Part of the job, right?" you joke, "But I promise, no more secrets."

"You mean secrets like you're a witch with two brothers who are supposed to be dead, but they hunt the supernatural alongside an angel, a half-angel, and a sheriff?" he asked, finally smiling.

"Yes, secrets like that," you chuckled.

"So... Have you hunted since you joined the BAU?" he asked, letting out the smallest sigh of relief when you shook your head.

"No. I stopped right before so I could focus on the human monsters, but I was rusty and my brothers had their hands full, so I told myself one more here and there. Simple hunts, but my dumbass forgot an important rule; never go alone." He nodded along.

"At least now we can share everything." You smiled.

"I'm just glad you didn't turn tail and run like some others in our past," you replied, looking into his eyes, seeing how he loved you. How he still loves you.

"No chance. Not after what we've been through. We deserve happiness, right?" You nodded, your eyes flicking to his lips, almost an inch away, and you let it happen. You sighed into the kiss, missing his soft lips upon yours. You almost died, or worse. The only thing that kept you going were thoughts of him, so you weren't letting him go that easily, tightly gripping his shirt before a cough broke you two apart.

"Ok kids, lunch is ready. Hands off each other at the table," Dean warned while Sam and Jody grinned, knowing it was his brotherly nature before they all sat down.

"Hell of a way to meet my family," You chuckled, looking back at Hotch. He grew another smile, taking your hand in his and dragging you to the table.

"I'm still glad I did."


"Don't you ever be a stranger," Jody said, pulling you into a hug for the upteenth time while Hotch stood next to you, watching your brothers prepare your car.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Jody," You pulled away, "Thank you for everything."

"Of course. Now, Agent Hotchner," she called, sounding more like a hardened sheriff than a nice mom, "You take care of my girl or so help me I will use all of my professional and supernatural resources to hunt you down."

"Well then, I better be careful," Hotch said, some playfulness in his voice causing Jody to let a smile slip while Sam and Dean walked up.

"Ok, Darling is all packed up as ready to go. Make sure you call us when you get home and don't wait for another hunt to visit us, ok?" Sam said, wrapping his arms around you.

"No promises, you sasquatch," when he let go, you turned to Dean, "Do I really need to ask?"

He feigned annoyance, but walked into your open arms.

"Give 'em hell in Washington, kid." He said, causing a smile to ghost your lips.

"Only if you can actually cover Hell," he hummed in agreement before pulling away.

"Oh and by the way," His voice became a whisper while he glanced at Hotch, "He seems like a good guy. You deserve to have your chick flick moments."

You laughed, taking Hotch's hand and agreeing wholeheartedly before the both of you walked to your car, waving goodbye as you drove away.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm working on getting a oneshot book up and running so hopefully that will be out in the near future :)

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