Chapter 5

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A/N: Yeet 2 chapters in one day. We're halfway through, folks!

"FBI!" Hotch yelled, aiming his gun at a startled Sam and Dean. The brothers threw their hands over their heads, having been in this situation more than once, "Where is (Y/N)?"

The brothers gave each other annoyed glances before turning back to Hotch, "We don't know, we -"

"Then why are you here? This is her room." Morgan asked, the ice in his voice ready to freeze these guys solid.

"W-We're looking for her, too. Just-" Sam stopped, seeing a darkness in Hotch's eye. Something about these two did not sit right with Hotch, and the brothers could tell.

"You're going down to the station. At the very least we have you on breaking and entering."

Although they had the key, the brothers didn't put up much of a fight knowing these agents meant business. Dean could only think of one thing; 'Cas better hurry his feathery ass up.'


"The deal is off the table as soon as I walk out of here, so I'll ask you one last time; where is (Y/N)?" Emily pressured Dean, but he just became frustrated.

"And I'll tell you one last time; I. Don't. Know. We came here to find her, just like you."

"And you just so happened to be sneaking in an FBI agent's motel room when she goes missing while investigating a string of murders. See how that sounds?" Emily groaned, leaving the interrogation room to update the others, although it wasn't much of an update.

"Anything?" Prentiss asked upon reaching her friends.

"No. I just got back from the other guy's room, but he won't say anything. Not even his name. Didn't take the deal, either,"  Reid replied, recalling how Sam ignored the option he gave him; give a name or location and he'd have a lighter sentence.

"My guy, too. Let's hope some time to stew will help," Now the team was borderline furious. They were no closer to finding you and they were unfortunate enough to arrest the Winchesters without their IDs. Since they brothers have had issues with the law before that were sure to show up in a search, they weren't talking.

Meanwhile, in Sam's interrogation room, his prayers were being answered, but not by an angel.

"Sam!" Jody urgently whispered, surprising him as she entered his room.

"Jody? What are you doing here?" He straightened himself, changing between watching the door and her. 

"Getting you out, you lug. Of course the first night here, you idiots get arrested." She muttered, quickly ran to his side glancing over him for any injuries.

"Yeah, well we found (Y/N)'s room, but while we were looking around, they caught us."

"That's why I'm here. I heard some police chatter about the real FBI being here." She explained, pulling a key and uncuffing Sam, "I told the sheriff the FBI guys needed you back at the motel, and that I was a friend from a similar case. Not technically a lie; they just don't know they need you yet. Now, let's get Dean and get out before those agents come back for you."


"Ok, what do we got?" Dean asked as they emerged out of Jody's car, now parked at a closed diner.

"Cas and the kid are gonna be here in a minute. Some FBI agents are still hanging around (Y/N)'s motel room, so they have to be careful, but they saw something under her pillows." Jody explained, but speak of the angels and they shall appear.

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