Chapter 3

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A/N: I just finished the first 12 seasons of Criminal Minds in less than 2 weeks x-x. I began writing this in my journal when I was on season 7 someone stop me.

"We're back." Dean's voice echoed as he came down the bunker stairs with Castiel in tow. "Not a werewolf, just some freak."

"Hey Dean, has (Y/N) talked to you at all the past few days?" Sam called from the table, him and Jack just staring at his phone. Dean came up, now confused.

"No. I thought you were talking to her," Sam sighed and put his phone in Dean's face, showing the 10 unanswered calls and a slew of unread messages starting from a few days ago. Dean and Castiel's faces now mirrored Sam's; concerned. They knew it wasn't like you to go without checking in for so long, especially considering you were hunting monsters not criminals.

"What the hell's she doing?"

"(Y/N)'s been on a hunting trip, and she hasn't been home in a few days. Cedar Creek, South Dakota. Vamp nest, remember? I knew we should've gone with her." Sam said. Dean was already riled up, ready to go hunting again.

"C'mon. Let's roll."


"Anything Jody?" Dean asked into the phone, keeping his eyes on the road ahead as Sam held up the speaker. He just heard her groan in frustration.

"Nothing Dean. All her books are in place and tidy, which wouldn't be considering how leaves things everywhere. Nyx isn't anywhere and her carrier is gone. She hasn't been here, boys." Jody stated, still kicking around your apartment. She was in DC for some sort of Sheriff's conference, but as soon as she heard your name and 'missing' in the same sentence, she was out the door.

"Son of a bitch." Dean mumbled, rubbing his face. "Alright, thanks Jody. We're almost in Cedar Creek, so we'll let you know if we get anything."

"Ok. I'll meet you guys there once I finish up here." With that, she hung up.

The boys showed up into town around noon, knowing the police station would be your first stop. Dean stopped by a motel so Jack and Cas could get motel rooms for them before heading over. Pulling up, they parked by some black SUVs before strolling in their FBI suits ready to pull out their badges.

"Hey, can we speak to the sheriff," Sam asked the receptionist, badge ready to go until she shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but Sheriff Nelson has his hands full with the FBI right now. I can take a message if it's important, though." She replied, making the brothers go wide-eyed.

"No that's alright. Thanks anyway..." Sam replied before the brothers basically sped back to the Impala.

"Great. Now, these are useless unless we want our asses in jail. Again," Dean ranted, throwing his badge back in the glove compartment, "Now what?"

"We regroup? Get some lunch and meet Cas and Jack. (Y/N) probably stuck to a motel on her off time. Find it and we'll find her."


"Only two more motels in the area. Cas and Jack took the Cedar motel and we have the Moonlit Inn." Sam stated as said inn came into the parking lot.

"Why does that sound like some cheesy motel in a porno," Dean's gruff voice commented, earning a chuckle from Sam.

"Yeah, you would know." He said, not bothering to acknowledge Dean's glare before exiting the car and heading to the front office.

"Evenin' fellas. Need a room for the night?" The manager asked, an old woman still eyeing her TV in the corner.

"Information. Have you seen this woman here?" Dean said, pulling out a photo of you, roughly taken a few years ago when you visited them before you joined the BAU, from his back pocket and sliding it across the counter.

"No, I-" She stopped once she pried her eyes from the TV and laid them upon the photo, "Oh, yeah I do know her. Sweet lady. Fixed my TV and lit my fireplace when I couldn't. Why, is she in some kind of trouble?"

Sam sighed, "We think so. She was supposed to visit us a few days ago, but she never showed. Did she stay here?"

"Yeah, in room 10." She replied, quickly picking up another key handing it to the boys. They grabbed it and ran out to the room at the end of the motel.

"Look," Sam said as Dean opened the door, pointing to your car, "Darling is still here."

They headed into your room, taking a quick look around.

"Alright, (Y/N) is smart. She's been on enough hunts to know that things could go real south real fast. She had to have left something behind saying where she was headed."

A quick glance around your room showed nothing out of the ordinary: a lazily made-up bed, some empty beer bottles by borrowed files of the case, and another, more crude, circle of candles mimicking the one in your apartment.

"Looks like she's still practicing," Dean stated nonchalantly, having been used to this kind of thing for years.

"Yeah, well it's in her blood. As long as she puts it to good use," Sam replied, now noticing a small pocket notebook on the bed, hiding under the pillow, "Hey look at this."

He had begun to reach for the small black book, almost feeling the worn edges against his fingertips before the door flew open, and the brothers instantly whipped around, raising their hands at the sight of guns.


A/N: Sorry for a short update, but I try to cut off the chapters where I feel it's appropriate ;-;

I hope everyone's staying safe. Make sure to wash your hands, wear your masks, and stay 6ft apart <3


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