Chapter 7

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"Hey," Dean greeted Sam outside the room, "I was about to give her the cure. You warn them?"

"Yeah, and they're still here," Sam replied, impressed. Dean just nodded.

"Let's get this show on the road."

Once you took the cure, it was only a matter of seconds before you felt what little was in your stomach rise. Thank Chuck you were in the bathroom already, Jody holding your hair and comforting you as you expelled all of Heather's blood. Meanwhile, Cas and Jack were taking care of the scene at the barn, leaving the brothers and profilers were staring at each other while they waited in your room.

"So, now that you know about us, you know you have to keep quiet, right?" Sam directed to the agents, some of them nodding while Hotch just sat in silence, staring at your candles. He's been quiet since they left the barn.

"Otherwise, mass chaos. Everyone will be in danger, right?" Rossi said, and the brothers nodded.

"So, those murders, grave robbings, and everything else on your rap; that was part of your job?" Morgan asked.

"Yep. There's more than vampires - much more. Trust me, you'll sleep better not knowing." Sam clarified, hesitant to mention anything more than what they already have. If these agents knew half of what the Winchesters saw in their lives as hunters, they would never sleep again.

"I have a family. A little boy. If what you're doing protects other kids like him, I'm more than ok with this secret." JJ said, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"I-I have questions, I can't even begin. Are there any books I can read? I am so much better with b-" Dean cut off a rambling Reid with a hand, bringing the genius to a stop.

"Look, kid. Any friend of our sister is okay in our book, so next time you're in Kansas, let (N/N) know and we'll bring you to a place with lots of books about this stuff. Ok?" Reid agreed, a whole new world of knowledge and literature open to him, but Rossi focused on one word that intrigued him.

"Sister? (Y/N) is your sister?" Once the boys confirmed this fact, he continued, "She never mentioned siblings. Plus, her last name is (L/N), not Winchester. Care to explain?" (If Winchester is your last name, then sorry, but also damn that's cool lol).

"When we were kids, our dad took us around the country. We'd stay in motels while he hunted. I mean, it's the family business, but one day he came back with a little girl. He didn't tell us who or what she was, just that she'd be with us from now on."

"No matter what, she's our sister," Sam said confidently. Of course, the BAU knew better than anyone that family does not stop at the bloodline.

"What do you mean 'what' she was," Reid asked, causing Dean to curse at the slip.

"Well, I'm sure you noticed that little circle there with the book," Sam said, pointing to where Hotch was still staring, "(Y/N) is a witch. She's had this magic for as long as we could remember, but she's only ever used it to protect us and hunt monsters."

"I remember a case months ago... (Y/N) and I were captured by the unsub, and he had held a gun to us. He was going to shoot, and she held her hand up. I thought it was self defense, but the gun wouldn't fire. That little diversion was long enough for me to tackle him and essentially save ourselves. Later, when ballistics tested the gun, it was perfectly fine. There was no reason it could've malfunctioned and we were stumped for the longest time," Prentiss recalled, now understanding and filling in gaps.

"She's done similar stuff for us when we were in trouble. Save our asses a few times," Sam huffed in laughter, remembering the dozens of times your magic had helped them.

"We owe (Y/N) our lives. After I kill her for running to danger without telling us," Prentiss joked, and the tone in the room had become noticeably lighter. A few seconds after, Jody came out of the bathroom, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Ok, I think she's gotten everything out of her system. Now she just needs to rest for a few days. I was thinkin' of bringing her home so she'll be more comfortable. I already called Alex and she'll set up a room." She said, more to Sam and Dean, to which they agreed.

"We'll pack up her stuff here and meet you there," Sam replied.

"We should report in with the Sheriff. Let him know we found (Y/N) and we'll be going home," JJ said, knowing they'll have to lie through their teeth, but they'll do it.

"If we burn the barn with the bodies inside, that should be enough for a cover. We were gonna do it anyway," Dean proposed, and the team reluctantly agreed.

"Ok. Help me put (Y/N) in my ride and I'll be off." Jody said to the boys.

"I'll do it," Hotch said, abruptly standing up and finally facing the others for the first time in almost an hour. He went to the bathroom, finding you sweating and cradling the toilet, and he could have sworn he heard a crack from his heart. How many times have you been this hurt? Have you done this since you joined the BAU? Since you've been together? He could try to protect you from unsubs and other rotten humans, but honest-to-God monsters? Nothing in the world could prepare him for that.

Any answers would have to wait as he put his arms behind your back and hooked them under your knees, lifting you up and to the police car. Once he closed the back seat, he turned to Jody in a stern voice, "I'm going with you."

Jody hesitantly agreed, climbing into the front seat while Hotch sat in the back seat, cradling your shivering form before heading for Sioux Falls.

The Profiler and Hunter (CM x SPN MiniFanfic)Where stories live. Discover now