Chapter 4

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A/N: I just finished season 13 of CM last night. Hooooo boy do I wanna punch Barnes, but Kim Rhodes is a queen I love her. Anyways, enjoy another small update~ Roughly halfway through the story.

Rays of sunlight filtered through the window, gently cascading to room in a heavenly glow. In the middle of the room sat a bed, soft and comfortable as can be. At least you thought so as you snuggled deeper into the covers, sighing in content. It wasn't until you heard a slight clinking from the bedroom door that you decided to begrudgingly pry an eye open.

There was Hotch obviously trying (and failing) to be quiet, holding a tray of pancakes and your favorite morning drink, and a single rose in a small vase. Your eyes grew wide as you sat up, letting him place the tray in your lap.

"Aaron, what..." the rest of the sentence died on your lips as you stared at your boyfriend in awe, your heart fluttering. He smiled, albeit a small one, and sat right next to you on the edge of the bed.

"I thought this would be a nice surprise. I know with our work, we don't have the most time for romance." He leaned in, placing a chaste kiss on your lips, "Besides, don't you remember what day it is?"

You looked at Hotch's warm smile and then to the calendar on the wall. Your eyes widened even more. How could you forget your own birthday? Laughing at your own stupidity, you thanked Hotch for the food, holding his hand as you dug in. You had barely finished your first pancake before Jack ran into the room.

"(Y/N)!" He jumped on the bed excitedly.

"Hey, little man!" You laughed, grabbing and tickling him. Jack laughed and you could tell Hotch was smiling.

"Dad, did you give her my present?" You raised your eyebrows, wondering what this little boy could have gotten you.

"No, buddy, I was waiting for you." Jack jumped out of your arms and ran out with Hotch following him, leaving you to finish your breakfast. They came back soon after, Jack placing himself on one side of you and Hotch the other.

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)!" Jack said, thrusting a handmade card in your face. You grinned, taking it into your hands and reading it over. It was just 'Happy Birthday' in big funky letters on the front, but the inside made your heart melt. There was a drawing of you as a superhero right next to him and Aaron. You felt warmth bloom in your heart as you hugged him closer, thanking him for the gift.

"And finally..." Hotch pulled out a cupcake from behind him, lighting the single candle that stuck out of the frosting. "Ready, buddy?"

The two began singing happy birthday as you held your hands to your lips, grinning.

"Make a wish," Hotch said. You sighed dreamily, wondering how you got so lucky.

"What else could I possibly wish for?" You gave him a quick peck before turning to Jack, "Wanna help me, little man?"

After his enthusiastic nod, you both leaned into the cupcake and began counting.





The sudden splash of ice-cold water jolted you awake, ripping you away from your safe haven as some of them laugh.

"Come on, Jared. I don't like my food soggy!" One laughed, her voice making you want to puke. Or maybe that was due to the lack of blood. They had another boy - Alex, you think? - tied on another post across from you, but you could tell he didn't have much left in him. Some of the vamps have already taken to snacking on you.

"Well, Heather, little Raffy boy is still kickin'." He said as the hunger shone in their eyes. Meanwhile, you could see the blatant fear in Alex's.  You had to stop this.

"Wait!" You yelled, pulling at your chained wrists from behind the post. They kept walking to the scared boy, no older than 19. You struggled to make your voice louder, "Instead of a random boy, how about a Winchester!"

The stopped in their tracks, whipping their heads towards you with animalistic eyes. Well, that got their attention.

"Winchester?" Heather questioned before clapping in excitement, "We have a Winchester!"


"I've heard of the brothers, but never a sister." Jared chimed, the nest staring at you with undivided interest.

"Yeah, well I haven't been as active as my brothers, but I'm here now. Use me and let him go." You bargained, hoping they would bite. You've been in tougher situations with humans and monsters before. Plus, the boys know where you are. It was only a matter of time before they'd come to find you, and you'd just have to hold on until then.

"Well well well... How can I argue with that?" Jared said, surprising you. That was a little too easy, from your experience. You felt chill go down your spine, "You hear that! We have a Winchester to keep us fed! And what better way to start off dinner than to finish an appetizer."

His voice turned cold and his grin sickly sweet as he signaled the family to Raff. Your breathing quickened, eyes widening.

"Wait NO!" but it was too late. The nest had descended upon the weak boy, and all you could do was close your eyes and turn your head, his screams resonating throughout the barn as tears streamed down your face. 

Sam... Dean... Hurry.

The Profiler and Hunter (CM x SPN MiniFanfic)Where stories live. Discover now