Prologue - Be Gone Natsu

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Natasha's P.O.V.

I giggle at the gurgling baby. I keep playing with my new baby brother's chubby fingers, he's so cute and squirmy. I tickle him, earning a loud laugh from the small human. "Ha ha, you're so cute! I'm so glad I finally have a brother!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" An annoyed voice growls from behind me.

I tense at the chilling voice. "I-I mean, I've always wanted a brother for some reason..." I answer in a wavering voice, knowing I had to reply.

I look up at my father's giant structure, his aura radiating anger. "Are you disgusted by your sisters?" He hisses, taking an intimidating step forward.

"No! My sisters are my everything! And I have a feeling Natsu will be too!" I yell, knowing what he's going to do next. I hold Natsu closely to my chest, wanting to protect him.

My father makes a deep animal sound in the depths his throat. "They will all perish as you will be left alive to suffer." He grabs Natsu carelessly like he's a doll and pretty much drop him in the crib. "GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK, WITCH!" My heart sank.

I'm not a witch, a Mage! I may be only ten but I've learned Ice Demon Slayer magic, Ice God Slayer magic, and I'm hoping to seek out an ice dragon! But all my hopes were shut down when my ugly father found me. Magic is beautiful! It's choices between life and death! It saves lives everyday!

I sob, putting my hand to my mouth as I see my father put Natsu in a blanket and shove him into a servant's hands saying, "Get this piece rotten pile of bones out of my sight," He demands the young woman.

I watch as her holding Natsu shake in terror. "S-sir, he's your first son-"

"GET HIM OUT! I'LL JUST FORCE RAINE INTO HAVING AS MANY CHILDREN UNTIL I HAVE ANOTHER SON!" He screams in the girl's face. She gasps, but obeys. She sprints out, tears in her eyes. My father, Mackenna, whips around seeing me crying. "What the hell are you still doing here, cry baby?!"

I sob, getting up shakily. I trip on a baby toy my mom had gotten Natsu. "M-mom!" I scream. I know she's the only one that can stop Mackenna. "MOM!"

"What honey-?" Raine runs in, looking terrified. She stares at her enraged husband. "Mack, dear, what did you do?" She asks in a hard tone, which visually ruffles Mackenna.

He sneers. "Get that bad excuse of a daughter off my land and make sure all her sisters are also killed. She needs the punishment."

Raine looks around, still looking scared. "Where's my baby boy?!"

"H-he told a servant to leave him to die..." I sob, my words barely audible through my sobs.

She looks at Mackenna like he's a monster. "Fine, maybe I will, along with myself." She states, grabbing my arm, but Mackenna grabs her arm before she can go any further.

Raine screams and I do the same as he forces us to sit in a room to watch- TO WATCH HIM STAB MY SISTERS THROUGH THEIR HEARTS! I cry harder than I ever thought was possible... Natsu... I hope you're still alive... please!

I bolt when I get the chance, I see my mom following behind, and when I know we're not being followed, I drop to the ground with Raine sobbing and sniffiling. My mom talks first, "I'll kill myself, for the pain to go away, I will..." She looks at me. "I understand if you want to die, but live on and kill him, kill Mackenna!" She screams, whipping out a knife and stabbing herself in the stomach...

An ear-splitting cry rips through all of exsistance as I ball my eyes out over my mother, her body motionless and cold. And that's when the ice dragon found me, taking pity. I call him Icy or Icicle because I suck at pronouncing his actual name. Icy was like a father to me, he was so nice and acted like a real father, not shitty like Mackenna.

And then when he left, I was left alone, depressed and broken. I needed somebody to pick up the pieces, and that's when I heard you could sell your soul if you felt pathetic enough. So, that's what I did. And I became the strongest soul to one girl named Renzi, she's really cool, but also really bossy and we always fight. But she's like a horrible best friend, considering she's the only one I can talk to.

Now Renzi is thinking of taking over Fairy Tail, dumb ass... I'm not going to listen to her...

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