22/07/2020 - 2:11AM

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The stars, they seem so irrelevent in comparison to the moon. They share a home, a blank canvas. The night sky is dark, it is vast, it is neverending. It holds all the secrets of the universe, and yet it is the one thing that feels like home.

There is millions of stars in the sky, and they all look the same. Every one of them, a pale white speck in comparison to the moon. If you're lucky, you may notice one of them sparkle for a brief second but that is it. It leaves you to wonder, are we really so different from the stars?

We are all the same. We all share the same home. We are all one which blends together and none of us stand different from the others. Some shine brighter, some sparkle for a second, some even fall. But why is it, that the ones that fall are the most captivating? Is it because those of us who are broken, are the most beautiful?

You taught me a lot about myself.

Close your eyes, and place yourself back there. The dark night sky engulfed our tiny figures, deeming us irrelevent to what surrounded us. Do you remember the scent of the French countryside after the sun had scalded everything throughout the day - even ourselves? The smell of new beginnings, of night falling and us falling in love. We laid there for hours, you being eaten alive by the bugs that flew throughout the yard. Somehow they avoided me, they must have known better than you.

The crickets chirped peacefully in the background, the sound of the neighbours cat creeping along the stones in search for his snack. It was 2:00AM when the lights shut out, wasn't it? It was only then when we were truly alone. Your mom was asleep in the house, but we were never more alive.

Sometimes I miss it, I really do. I miss the security of knowing I was safe, that I was okay when I was with you. Maybe one day we'll find that again but for now, I'll sit here and take in the smell of the countryside in the dark and remember you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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