Part 1:Bonnie and Freddy

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It was a slow day at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. For the kids, it was a very exciting, fun day with Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, and Chica the Chicken singing and dancing for them, eating pizza, and playing in the arcade. To be honest, all of the animatronics thought it was a long and boring day. They usually have a fun performing for the children, but today felt... a way.
[ Bonnie and Freddy ]
After telling all of the kids and adults goodbye, Freddy asked exhaustedly," Ughhh!Why did today feel soooooo loooonggg?!" "I don't know,but I'm exhausted," exclaimed Bonnie. Freddy walked to a nearby table and laid down on it. Bonnie giggled and said," Get up you big dork!"
"Hey... Have you seen Chica," she asked. " Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her for a while. Wonder where that crazy chicken went," Freddy replied with a little concern if his voice. " I'm sure she'll turn up soon," Bonnie said. Freddy and Bonnie just shrugged.
Freddy got up from the table with a low grunt and stood up. He walked into the storage room and started rummaging through the cardboard boxes. "Freddy? Whatcha lookin' for?" Freddy,still looking through the boxes, said, "Where is it? Where is it? Ahha! There it is!" Freddy turned around to reveal a box of playing cards in a black and white box. "Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'," asked Bonnie. "Poker!" they both exclaimed at the same time. "You get me so well, Bon Bon!", Freddy said to Bonnie. "Don't call me that," Bonnie replied, sounding a bit annoyed. They both walked to the table where they usually play poker and started playing. It was usually just them since Chica always snuck off and Foxy never came out of Pirate Cove, his little pirate home.
Weirdly, Freddy and Bonnie started thinking about each other, though the other person, or animatronic, didn't know.
"And that's why I love you my little Bon Bon." Freddy thought to himself.
"I love your cute nicknames, Fredbear! If only I could tell you how much I love you, Freddy, then you'll know the truth..." Bonnie thought to herself. She didn't know why, but she had always loved Freddy. It was the way his eyes lit up when he and Bonnie scared the new night-guard together. It was the way Freddy didn't mind her being feisty and tough most of the time. But most importantly, it was the way he looked, acted, smiled, and talked. His cute little hint of a British accent in his voice made her light up.Everything about him made her get excited when she looked or even thought about him. "But why would he like me?", she asked herself. "He's too cool for me..."
Bonnie was so lost in thought that Freddy just got up and started cleaning up the game. "What is she, some kind of love struck puppy?",Freddy mumbled under his breath. Finally after 2 hours of daydreaming about her and Freddy together, she came out of her trance and jumped up. "What the heck happened?", she asked Freddy,"You just watched me sleep?? And what happened to the game? Thought we were still playing?", " Woah woah woah Bonnie,calm down," Freddy said with his feet up and crossed on the table," You fell asleep or something so I picked up the game and watched you sleep for about...." he looked at his watch," an hour and a half."
Bonnie stood up, put her hands on the table, and gave him a scowl. Then she walked toward the door, but before leaving, she stopped and pulled Freddy's chair back and he fell over. " Hahahaha!!!" , Bonnie laughed," That was hilarious! Never change, buddy, never change!" She walked out of the room, still laughing hard. Freddy laid on the floor, rubbing his head. " Like I said before, that's why I love you my little Bon Bon." He could still hear her distant laughs which made him grin. He hoped that one day they could be together. "But why would she like me?," he sadly asked himself,"she's too cool for me..."

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