Part 10: Plotting Revenge and New Relationships

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[ Sage's POV ]
The past year with Foxy has been amazing. We've been to the Statue of Liberty, Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, and all of those national monuments. I felt bad about it all, though. I don't know if I should just come out and say it, or lie to protect their feelings. I don't know what to do anymore...
[ Bonnie's POV ]
I woke up to beeping noises all around me but, for some reason, I couldn't see. "Oh, crap! Did I go blind or something," I asked myself worriedly. All I remember is seeing Mr. Fazbear get attacked by a random guy and me running to help. All the rest of the memories were fuzzy. I sat up and waved my arms around like a blind person. I cautiously stood up and felt my way around the room. I felt dizzy from standing up, but I needed to know where I was. I was walking around, getting used to my surroundings, when I ran into something- or someone.

He grunted, dropped the papers he was holding, and said,"Oops! Well, little lady, you'd better mosey on back to your bed. Don't wanna fall down, do ya?" I shook my head and he laughed. I could tell he was a western type of guy by his accent. He guided me back to the bed and I sat down. "Well, you're probably wonderin' why you can't see, right darlin," he asked. I nodded my head.

"Why are ya not talkin' missy," he asked. I mumbled because I couldn't talk with the stupid thing on my face. He chuckled and said," Do ya want me to take them bandages off? I think your face is done." "Done?? What the heck does that mean," I thought to myself, starting to panic.

He came over to me, sat down on the bed, and started to peel the thing off. It didn't hurt, but sometimes the wrap would get stuck in my medal and would pull it. When he finally got the bandage off, I could finally breathe. I sucked in a big gulp of air and gradually started to slow my breathing.

"Thank you, mister. Now I can finally breathe- and talk," I told him. "Well, little lady, when I show you your face- or, what's left of it,- you might not thank me," he said, getting off the bed. "Wh- what do you mean "what's left of it"," I asked, standing up slowly. He chuckled, which kind of got annoying since he did it too often, and said," Well, the man that attacked you- well," he chuckled again,"you'll find out once you see your face, little missy."

He handed me a mirror and got a nervous smile on his face. I slowly raised the mirror and dropped it in shock. I HAD NO FACE!!! It was just medal and my eyes were two tiny, red dots. I screamed in horror and flopped down on my bed, face in the pillow. I sobbed for what seemed like hours and I finally had to stop because I was running out of oil.

"W-where's m-my f-face," I asked, sitting up on the bed. "Well, that we don't know, darlin'. We talked to Mr. Fayzber," "Fazbear," I interrupted. ," yeah, Fazbear, and he said the man carried it away with him when he ripped it off. You, missy, are very lucky to be alive, ya hear," he said. I just sat there in shock. What human would be evil enough to rip someone's face off and laugh in their face at their pain? I then vowed I will find this man and kill him. Kill him for all of the pain he has caused us.

I stood up and walked out the door, almost in a trance. I heard the cowboy doctor guy call my name and tell me to stop, but I didn't care. I had one goal and one goal only: to find, torture, and kill this man. Wherever he was and whoever he was, I will find him, and nothing will get in my way of killing him.

[ Balloon Boy's POV ]
This past year with the old Fazbear crew has been amazing! They treat me well, they play wit me, and they don't care that I'm not an animatronic. They treat me like a normal kid. I've been a normal kid once, I'm sure of it! One day I will find out who I am, what my life was like, and why I'm stuck in a balloon boy character but, for now, I'll stay Balloon Boy. Anyways, back to the good part.

Sometimes, Freddy gives me piggy-pack rides, which are always so much fun! Chica always lets me bake cakes with her, which I love doing. Bonnie and me always used to rock out to her playing guitar and me playing the drums, but now that she's gone, I've been kinda depressed. I miss her so much. I hope she has fun wherever she's gone to, rocking out to her guitar.

Me and Chica have so much fun baking and decorating cakes. I don't know why, but I kind of, like her better than the others. I think I might- no, I can't. Ugh! Get that thought out of your head, BB!

Well, back to the better stuff. I love playing pirate with Sage and Foxy. It's so much fun standing at the top of the ship-titanic style-, holding my wooden sword in the air, and making them walk the plank. They are such good actors! Now I get why all of the kids and adults love seeing them perform-they're amazing at what they do.

I love playing with Toy Freddy, Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, and Marionette, but I need space. I've been with these guys since I've been made and, I love them and all, but I have new friends so I'll spend time with them. Weirdly, Sage has been feeling- depressed- lately. I wonder what's got her acting weird..

[ Foxy's POV ]
This year with me mate, Sage, has been wonderful. We hav' so many things in common like bein' a pirate, tellin' funny jokes, and just bein' sillier than a drunken cow. I know that's a bad example, but I love her so much, ye know? Even if she did- well, I'll tell ye what happened.

I was sittin' at one on the booths in the dinin' area, shinin' me hook, when Sage walked up to me. "Aye! What yer need, matey," I asked her. She was silent, which was odd becaus' she usually talks to me. Anyways, she had a weird look on her face- almost like the lassie was- depressed. I got worried so I asked," Umm, ye okay, lassie?" She was silent again. She stopped in front of me and said," Foxy, we need to talk, ya know, privately?" "Yeah, sure."

She grabbed me arm and pulled me to the closet. She pushed me in and closed the door. "Ooh, so ye wanna do that, do ye," I asked, hoping she did. I leaned in for a kiss but she pushed me away. "No, Foxy. This is serious. I-I need to tell you something," she told me, playing with her hook. "What do ye need, Sagey," I asked, concerned.

"Foxy, I'm just gonna say it. I'm breaking up with you. I don't want to, I really don't, but I have to. I'm so sorry, Foxy." She leaned in and lightly kissed me on th' cheek. Then opened the door and walked away, looking down. I just stood there. She just broke up with me. I sighed, leaned against the wall, and slowly slid down to th' floor. I ran me fingers through me fur and put my hands on me head. I felt a tear of oil come down me face and I wiped it away. I heard footsteps outside th' door and saw th' door open. It was Chica.

"Uh, Foxy? Are you okay," she asked. "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine," I said, not looking up at 'er. I was looking down at the floor, tears streaming down my face. Chica kneeled down and made me look at her. "Foxy. Please tell me what's wrong." She sounded worried so I told the lassie what happened. By th' end of me story, she was sitting down right next to me. "Oh, Foxy, I'm so sorry. I know how much you loved her," she told me, looking, with worried eyes, at me. "No, it's okay, I just don't get why she broke up with me," I said.

"Do you want me to ask her," she asked me. I nodded and looked back down at th' floor. Chica got up and walked out. I heard them talking fer a while and saw the lassie come back. She sat down and said," She told me she broke up with you because she's leaving. She didn't want you to got though the pain of a long distance relationship, so she broke up with you." I sighed and put my hands on my head.

"It's okay, Foxy, I get it. It's happened to me before," she told me. She rubbed me on the back and comforted me. Then it hit me. I didn't like Sage, I liked Chica! I stood up quickly and so did Chica. "What? What's going on, Foxy," she asked, panic in her sweet little voice. "I get it now, Chica. I don't like Sage, I- I like you," I told her, kind of embarrassed of suddenly telling her th's.

She instantly blushed and started playing with 'er hand and mumbling something. "W-what? M-me? H-how d-do you l-like me, F-foxy," she stuttered. I grabbed the lassie's hands and softly asked,"Please, Chica? Will ye go out w'th a poor pirate fox like me?" She pondered over me question, leaned toward me ear, and whispered," I would love to, Foxy." She hugged me and I hugged 'er back. This was th' best break up ev'r.

Sage told everyone she was moving and I told everyone me and Chica were together. Sage said her goodbyes and left. BB actually started crying. I loved the kid like a son but, sometimes, he acted like a baby. I was gonna miss the lassie so much, but I've moved on. We waved goodbye and saw her disappear out of sight.

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