Chapter 11: The Kiss

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[ Chica's POV ]
These weeks with Foxy have been awesome. I know that's what Sage said about Foxy, then broke up with him, but it's true. Anyways, I miss Bonnie so much. I wish the mechanics would hurry up and fix her already. I wonder if she's awake yet? What am I saying? Bonnie's dead. The mechanics said she'll never wake up. On that day, I vowed to find that "Matt" guy, and I will kill him. I just wanna yell out my pain in one big "AHHHHH!!" and cry all day. I actually did that once. It was about a week after they took Bonnie away. Here's what happened.

I was sitting in my room, worrying about Bonnie, when Foxy came into my room. I was lost in thought, and I guess he figured that out, so he snuck up on me. "Boo!" he yelled, behind me. I came out of my daydream and fell off my bed in sunrise. "Ahh!" I was still laying on the ground, dazed, and Foxy came over to me, laughing, and held out his hand. "Foxy! What the heck?!" He picked me up, put me on my bed, and said," Sorry, lass. It was just too funny, ye know?" I jokingly punched him in the shoulder but I did it too hard and he helped in pain.

"Fine, ye wanna play that way, do ye?" he said. He picked me up by the stomach/back and layer me down on the bed. He was standing over me and pinned my hands and feet down. I giggled and said,"Foxy, let me go!" He smirked and said," Nope, not lettin' ye go. Sorry, lass"

I laughed as he poked my stomach with his finger. He kept doing that while I laughed. "Stop... Foxy! I... can't... breathe!" I was laughing so hard because it tickled. "Nope, lassie, I'm not lettin' ye go," he told me. After what seemed like hours he finally stopped. He let me go and sat on my bed. I sat up, wiping the oil from my eyes.

I looked at Foxy and said,"What the heck was that for?" "Nothin'. I just like messin' with ye," he said, laughing. I jokingly punched him again, hoping he would tickle me again. "Again? Really, lass?" he said.

He picked me up again but put me on his lap so that my legs went out the back. He kissed me and said," No more funny jokes, ye hear?" I smirked at him and said," Well, what are you gonna do if I don't stop." I lightly poked his nose. He smiled and said,"I'll show ye what I'll do." We kissed again and I sat back down on the bed because I didn't want to sit on his lap anymore. He kissed for about 5 minutes and I pulled away, needing air.

After that we started talking and the topic came to Bonnie. "How do ye think Bonnie's doing?" Foxy asked. I didn't answer and he waved his hand in front of my face. I was thinking about Bonnie again, thinking of all the wonderful times we've had. I teared up and planted my face in my pillow. I started sobbing uncontrollably. "Why? Why Bonnie? I miss her so much!" I kept mumbling to myself. Foxy tried to comfort me, but it just made it worse.

After about 10 minutes, I had to stop crying or I would run out of oil. I sat up and wiped the oil from my eyes. I looked down at my pillow, which had black stains from the oil. Foxy hugged me and I cried agai on his shoulder. "Shhh. It's okay. She's in a better place now. Why don't we go have some the yummy pizza you made earlier?" he softly said. I nodded and we went to the kitchen.

We sat down in the booth and I laid my head on my folded arm on the table. Foxy softly stroked my head and said, "Lass, it's okay. You've got me, Freddy, and all the other new animatronics. We all have the same feeling you have about Bonnie. How do you think Freddy feels? He might feel worse than ye, being her boyfriend and all. He's been crying nonstop and, in all me years of knowing the lad, I've never seen him cry, not once. I'll go get the pizza while ye calm down a bit okay?" I nodded and I heard him get up and walk into the kitchen.

He brought the pizza and we shared it. It was really good, not to toot my own horn.. Or however that saying goes, I don't know. After I finished the last slice of pizza, Foxy stood up and said,"Hey, Chica, go sit by th' stage. I've got a surprise for ye." I was a little confused, but I agreed and he gave me a big smile.

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