Part 5: The Fight

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[ Chica's POV ]
When I heard the news about a new animatronic coming to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, I was so excited, but now that she's actually here, I didn't really like her. First of all, she's drop dead gorgeous, which makes me envious. Then there's the flirting. I don't know what's going on with that chick, but she needs to lay off Foxy. I think some flirting was fine, but this is too much. If you didn't know, I'm in love with Foxy, and now that Sage is starting to take him away from me, I'm getting jealous. It's really hard to admit, but I'm jealous of her. The worse part is, I think Foxy is starting to fall in love with her.

I walked out of the kitchen with freshly baked cookies. I must admit, they were pretty dang good! I made chocolate chip ( Bonnie's favorite ), red velvet ( Foxy's favorite ), raisin ( Freddie's favorite ), and snicker doodle ( my favorite ). "Cookies are done," I yelled. As soon as I let the last word come out of my mouth, I heard the pounding of metal on cement, which meant everyone was running to get their cookies. Freddy got his, Bonnie got hers, Foxy got his, and I got mine.

"Umm, sorry to be rude, Chica, but did you make any extras," Sage asked me. " Sorry, no I didn't. I'm not used to baking more than 4 plates of cookies. Sorry," I told her. I lied. I didn't forget about her. I purposely did that because, let's be honest here, I hated her. Her last few weeks here have been miserable for me. Always flirting with Foxy, acting like we're family, getting "too comfortable" around us, and , the worst, she's hanging out with my friends behind my back! I know the rest aren't that bad, but I draw the line at her trying to replace me! Ughh! She was getting me so furious. One more move like that and I'm going to crack.

"Aye, lassie, Ye can have som' of me cookies! Ye like red velvet," Foxy asked Sage. She blushed and said," Yeah! They're my favorite! Thanks, Foxy!" She ran over to him and hugged him. That was the last straw. "Umm Sage? Can I talk to you please," I asked her. "Uh, yeah. Whatcha need?" I sighed and said," I meant in private." She smiled and said," Okey- dokey!" Ugh I was getting so tired of her already.

We went in the kitchen and I said," Look, Sage, if you think you're fooling anyone, you're not. I know you're trying to replace me and date Foxy! Sneaking around with him, hanging with my friends behind my back. It's gotta stop. If you don't stop flirting with Foxy, I will break you. I've had at least 30 years of practice and how many have you had? That's right. You've had 5 months! So lay off or it'll get ugly, you got that? Good!" She had a shocked look through the whole talk from beginning to end. Bleh! She's not as innocent as she seems, ya know? She finally spoke up. "Umm, I don't know who you are or who you think you are but I'm not doing anything. What have I done to you to deserve your hatred? Nothing. I've done nothing. So you better lay off me before I break you. It doesn't matter how much "practice" you've had, the only important thing is that I'm tougher than you and I could snap you in half with one hit!And who said I was flirting with Foxy?! I like him as a friend and that's it! So don't tell me to lay off cause you're the one who needs to lay off! Now I'm leaving. Bye,Chica."

Then she just left. That little... Ughh!!! That was it! I'm taking her down! She was walking back to Foxy when I ran out of the kitchen and tackled her. I got on top of her and started punching her in the nose. "Ow! Ow! My nose! Stop it!" She was holding her nose while it bled out oil. I started laughing. Laughing at the way she was suffering. With each punch I grew stronger, more vengeful. Then she kicked me off of her. The nerve she had to do that! Then she started swinging at me. I ducked the first one but then she got too fast for me and she hit me in the face. All this time everyone was trying to break the fight up. I couldn't let them so when Freddy grabbed hold of me, I elbowed him in the gut, making him hunch over, coughing up oil.

I lunged back at her, but she moved out of the way, making me fall on my face. She didn't move, she was pulled out of the way by Foxy. "Foxy," I yelled at him," stay out of this!" Bonnie was helping Freddy up. He was on his knees, holding his stomach. I felt kind of bad, since he was one of my best friends, but I did what I had to do. Foxy was to the side, comforting Sage and Sage was holding her broken nose, crying oil. I didn't feel bad for her,though. I told her to lay off and she didn't, I told her what would happen if she ignored me, and she did it anyways.
"Chica! What is wrong with you?! This isn't like you!" Bonnie yelled that at me, still holding Freddy. "You don't know what I'm like, Bonnie! You don't know what kind of monster Sage is! I know what the real her is like,and that's evil! Pure evil! So stay out of this before you get hurt!" "Chica! I know what you're like! We're best friends and my best friend Chica would never do this to anyone! No matter how much they deserve it! Now go away, before you hurt anyone else!" I was so mad at her right now! I was going to attack her but then something overcame me.

"Don't attack her,Chica! She's your best friend!" The voice was right, she was my best friend, but I still wasn't sorry about Sage. She deserved it. I hung my head and walked to my room. I shut the door, sat on my bed, and put my hands ( well wings, I guess ) on my head. "What have I done... Hurting Freddy, thinking about hurting Bonnie... I'm a monster... Hey! What if I run away! I know it's crazy, but I don't wanna hurt anyone anymore. I might see Sage and attack her again! That's it, I'm running away!" I got up, wiped the oil from my eyes, and packed all of my things.
I peeked out the door and saw Sage sitting on a table, still crying. " Now, now, lassie. Don't ye move, this won't hurt a bit," Foxy told her in a soft, comforting tone. He was holding her hands that were on her nose. The oil coming from her nose and scratched-up face was getting on her hands and dripping onto the floor and in her lap. " I think Foxy is really starting to like this girl. He'll never love me after this outburst..," I sadly thought to myself.
I looked to the right a bit and saw Freddy, still on the ground holding his stomach, and Bonnie, a worried look on her face. "Freddy, does this mean we can't go on our date tonight?" They had a date?? And she didn't tell me?? I thought we were best friends, and best friends tell each other everything! I thought she would at least tell me this!
I closed the door and grabbed my things. I wrote a note and put it on my bed so they'd at least know where I was, not where I was, but why I left. I went out my window so no one would see me. Then I left. I went to my sister,Toy Chica's, house. She was a a little shorter than me, had a bib/shirt that said "Let's eat!" (( idk if that's what it said )) on it, and she wore either really short pink shorts or pink panties, I can't tell what they were and I didn't want to ask. I didn't think I would leave since Sage, Foxy, Freddy, and Bonnie were probably furious with me, so I planned to stay forever or just move out of the state/country. Or get my own place, but that probably won't happen.
I knocked on the door to my sister's house and waited. Her house was hot pink and the door was just pink. Typical Toy Chica. She loved anything pink whether it was a car, a book, a cup, or hair, she was in love with the color pink. She said," Hold on, one minute," in that kinda high pitched voice of hers. She opened the door and squealed. She hugged me and said," Chica! I haven't seen you in forever!" "Yeah, sis, haven't seen you in a while, either." She stopped hugging me and said," So, whatcha doin' over here?" I scratched the back of my head nervously and told her the whole story. "Oh so they're mad at 'cha, huh?" "Umm yeah.. I just said that like 30 seconds ago." She smiled and said," Well you're welcome any time, sis!"
She let me in and showed me my room. "You can stay for as long as you'd like. Make yourself at home, Chica!" She walked out of the room and into the kitchen. We both love to cook things. I placed my things where I wanted them to be and said," Ahh. I guess this is my new home for now." I glanced at the clock and saw the time: 10:25 P.M. "Well, better go to sleep," I thought. I layer on the bed, closed my eyes, and started to drift off.

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