Part 9: The Secret

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[ Sage's POV ]
I was sleeping in my little room, dreaming of.. Someone.. When I heard screaming and crying coming from... Freddy?! I woke up, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and said quietly," Why would Freddy be crying? He's a tough guy and I've never seen him cry in the (almost) year I've been here. Something horrible must've happened!"

I got up and ran into the dining area to find Freddy leaning over Bonnie, crying his eyes out and mumbling something and Mr. Fazbear on the ground coughing up blood and holding his stomach in pain. "What happened!? Are you guys okay," I asked.

I ran over to Freddy and kneeled down next to him. He wiped the oil from his eyes and told me what happened to bonnie and Mr. Fazbear. "Oh my gosh! I feel horrible for not being here to help," I said tearing up a bit. "It's not your fault, it's that Matt guy's fault. I'm gonna find him and I will torture him in ways you don't even know exist."

I looked at Bonnie and gasped. He face was ripped off, exposing her endoskeleton and wires. She was obviously powered down and probably on the verge of death. I felt horrible. Bonnie was my best friend, except for Foxy... but I won't blabber on about how amazing he is. I put a hand on Freddy's shoulder and said softly," It's gonna be okay, Freddy. We can fix her.." He looked over at me and said," Thanks, Sage. You always know how to cheer people up."I blushed a little.

Freddy said quietly," Why not me... Why did she have to die like this... I miss her so much.." I sighed and said," Freddy, I know it's hard being her boyfriend and all, but you have to get over her. I'm not saying to forget her completely, I'm just saying don't dwell on the past because you'll miss all the good things happening in the present. We'll get her fixed, I swear." He smiled and said,"Thanks, again, Sagey. That's your nickname, okay?" I nodded and smiled back.

Freddy and I walked over to Mr. Fazbear and helped him up. "Ow! Ow! That hurts," he exclaimed, obviously in pain. We set him on a bench and called 911. The ambulance got here in 5 minutes and took Mr. Fazbear to the hospital. "I hope he's gonna be okay," I said, crossing my arms. "Yeah, me too," Freddy said.

Everyone finally woke up and me and Freddy told them everything. "Bonnie! No," Chica said, I'm immediately crying and running over to her best friend. "Aye, she was a good lassie. Great heart. I'm sorry for ye loss, Freddy," Foxy said, lowering his head. "Thanks, Foxy," Freddy said. Balloon boy, marionette, Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Freddy all said almost the same exact thing: "Poor thing! I hope she gets better. Even though I barely knew her, she was still part of the Freddy Fazbear family. I'm so sorry..."

We called Mike and he came to the pizzeria and took Bonnie to the repair shop to hopefully get her another face and bring her back to life. Freddy seemed more happy after our little talk. He said he wasn't happy that she got hurt, he was happy that there was still a spark of hope that Mike can get her working again.

I was in my room, looking at a picture that me and Bonnie took in a photo booth, when I heard hard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Foxy in the doorway. "Uhh, excuse me, lassie. May I come in," he asked. "Umm.. yeah.. sure," I said still looking down at the picture. Foxy walked in and sat on my bed next to me. "Is everything okay, Sage," he asked, looking at me.

I looked at him and got pulled into a trance. His eyes were... well... beautiful. "Uhh, lassie? Ye okay," I heard him ask and I snapped out of the trance. "Y-yeah. I'm fine..," I said, knowing I wasn't okay. " Foxy put his hand on my shoulder and said," I know something's wrong, lass," he said. "Well.. I have a crush on someone but he probably doesn't like me back. What do I do," I asked, hoping he didn't know it was him. "Well, lassie, you can tell if the matey likes ye if he acts differently around ye than the others," he told me. Dang he was a good advice giver. "Thanks," I said, looking away from him.

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