Part 7: Looking For Chica

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[ Bonnie's POV ]
So after the whole "Chica v. Sage" thing, I started to wonder what happened between them in the kitchen. I mean, Chica's my best friend, or at least she was me best friend, and would never do that, so why'd she just randomly attack Sage like that? I needed an explanation, so I went up to Sage and said," Hey, Sage." She looked up at me, her face stained with oil from crying, and softly said," Hey.."

"So.. about Chica.. Why'd she attack you like that?"

"I have no idea. We were all just hanging out, then she pulls me into the kitchen and threatens me, then she attacks me! What is her problem?"

"Wait, Chica threatened you?! How'd she threaten you? What did she say?"
"Woah, Bonnie, calm down. So this is what happened."

Then she told me all that happened. As she finished, I gasped. "So Chica was the one who started it? I need to go talk to her.." I got up and walked toward Chica's room and I looked back at Sage. Foxy told her something and she replied back. I didn't know what they said, but I didn't care. I focused on my mission and walked to Chica's room.

When I got there, I listened for her. I didn't hear anything, so I knocked and said," Chica? It's Bonnie. I wanted to talk to you about the fight." She didn't reply. I opened the door and walked in. She wasn't there! I kept my eyes on that door since she'd walked in there and I never saw her leave. I looked all around the room and saw that all of her things were gone. All I saw was a note on her bed. I read it and gaped. "She left?! I better show the others this note and try to find her," I thought to myself. I ran back out to the dining area and said," Guys! I have to read you this note Chica left!" "Umm,okay," Freddy said. They all looked at me, waiting for me to read the note.

"Dear whoever is reading this, I'm sorry that I attacked Sage and yelled at my friends. My friends are probably really mad at me right now. Especially Sage and Freddy. I should have never attacked Sage and I never should have punched Freddy in the stomach, so to prevent myself from hurting anyone else, I ran away. I didn't want to, but I didn't want to hurt anyone again. So I left. I'm not saying where I went, but you won't have to worry about me ever again. You may be thinking," What about our performance tomorrow or all our performances?" Well, you can have Sage or Foxy take that job or someone else, I don't care. Well, bye. I will miss you all so much. ~Chica ❤️ Her signatures always ends with a heart. Classic Chica.
"We have to find her, guys! She might be in danger," I said. They all looked at one another, deciding whether to go or not. "I don't care if no one goes with me, I'm still going to find her! And I won't stop until I do," I said, hoping to persuade them to come.

"I'll go with you." I was surprised who said that. It was Sage. "Sage, I thought you would be the last one to volunteer, not the first. After all, she did attack you." She sighed and said," well, I still think of her as a friend, so I'm going." She stood up and walked over to me. "Thanks," I whispered. "Any time," she whispered back. "So? You guys comin' or not," Sage asked. Foxy stood up and said," Fine, I'll go, but if the lass tries to hurt ye again, I will hurt her." Sage gave him a confused look and said,"Thanks?"
We all looked at Freddy, seeing if he would come with us. "Ugh, fine, I'll come," he said. He got up and walked over to us. "Yay! Now let's go find Chica," I said. We walked to the front door, opened it, and walked out into the fresh air. We walked all over town, asking everyone and anyone we could find if they have seen her, but sadly, they all said no. We were just about to give up, when we reached the last house. Toy Chica's house. I swallowed hardly and walked up the porch. Freddy, Sage, and Foxy stayed back on the sidewalk because they all thought Toy Chica was a "crazy cheerleader." I will admit, she is too peppy and cheery, but she's not that crazy.

I reached the door and knocked. "Coooooming!," she said, holding the o. She opened the door and squealed. "More visitors?! That makes... Well 2 this week.... But it's more than usual! Please, come in!" She moved out of he doorway and we walked in. It was very... pink. "Hey, have you seen Chica? We were looking for her since she kinda... ran away." "Yeah, she's actually living here now. She's in her room if you want to talk to her."

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