Part 8: New Animatronics and a New Bad Guy

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[Freddy's POV]
"BONNIE!!! NOOO!!!," I yelled. I ran over to Bonnie, crying my eyes out. "Bonnie! It's going to be okay, just breathe, just breathe. Please wake up,Bonnie!!" I tried to shake her but it was no use. As she was about to power down, she whispered," I... love you.... Freddy... I wish we...could've...had our... first... date... I'm going.... to miss....all...of...yo-" Then she shut down.
I must admit, I don't cry much, but when I saw the love of my life die, in front of my eyes, I just cried.I couldn't help myself. I hated myself for not being there when she needed me the most.. Why Bonnie?! Why not me?! Hold on, you're probably really confused and wondering what happened, right? So, let me explain.

I woke up, still having the memory of Bonnie kissing me in my head. Ahh, Bonnie. I don't want to take up the whole time with me explaining how amazing,awesome,gorgeous,fun, and so many other things that she is, so I'll skip that. I got up, stretched, and got dressed. This was hopefully the day me and Bonnie could have our first date.

I fixed my bow tie, put my hat on, and walked into the dining area. I saw Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, Sage, and Mr. Fazbear all awake.They looked kinda excited about something. I yawned and asked," Hey, guys. What's goin' on?" Chica looked at me and said," Well, I guess you haven't heard the news. Mr. Fazbear getting another surprise for us! He said it should be here any minute." "I wonder what it is," I thought.

I sat walked to a table and sat on the booth. "So you don't give me a good morning kiss, Freddy?" It was Bonnie. She walked over to me, bent down, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Bon Bon." "Hey. Sorry I don't have a nickname for you, but I can't come up with one."

I scooted over to the end of the booth and Bonnie sat down. "Hmmm.. How 'bout Fredbear?" "Yeah, I like that." "Yay! You finally have a nickname, Fredbear. Hehe, that sounds weird," she said, giggling. "Haha, yeah," I said, chuckling.

"Finally! My packages are here," Mr.Fazbear said. He walked outside, signed papers in a clipboard, and had the movers bring the packages in. "Where do you want them, Mr. Fazbear," a fimiliar looking man asked. He was tall, skinny, had brown hair that swept over his face, and was wearing a security officer outfit. "Right over there, Mike," Mr. Fazbear said, pointing to the middle of the room. Mike put the 5 big boxes where Mr. Fazbear told him to and said," See ha later, sir." "Bye, Mikey," Mr. Fazbear replied, waving to the man. "Who's that," I asked Mr. Fazbear. He chuckled and said," Don't you remember, Freddy? That's Mike Schmidt,the security officer. You are all his best friends and he is yours." I remembered him and said," Ooh! I remember Mikey! He hasn't come here in a while so I guess I forgot." "Well, it's okay Freddy. Hey, can you help me open these boxes?" "Yeah, sure."

"Ooh! I wonder what's inside," Chica said, getting jittery. "Maybe it's more sand for me and Sage's Pirate Cove," Foxy said. Sage giggled and said," Foxy, why would Mr. Fazbear order sand? We already have some. And even if he did, do you really think they would put it in a box instead of a bag?" "Yeah, Foxy! Duhh," Bonnie said. I kinda tuned them out, got out my pocket knife, and cut the plastic wrap on the boxes. I head something move inside and I pointed my knife at the box cautiously. "Umm.. Mr. Fazbear? What's in these," I asked. "You'll have to find out yourself, Freddy," he said. "Why can't you just freakin' tell me," I thought.

I sighed and opened the box. I jumped back and pointed my knife at the creature inside. I said,"What the heck is that?!" The thing stepped out of the box and said," Hey, where the heck am I?" Bonnie walked over to Mr. Fazbear and whispered," If this thing thinks it's me, I'm gonna smack it in the face with my guitar." He chuckled again and said," She won't try to replace you, Bonnie, so don't worry. I got them to help out with all the kids."

He walked to the stage and stood on it so we could all see him. "As you may have known, we have had at least 10% more kids and adults come every week. So if 50% of all the kids and adults came here last week, then this week we would have at least 60% come this week." "Yeah.. so what," Sage said. "So, to keep all of the kids satisfied, I have ordered new animatronics to help with the kids so that you guys don't get too stressed and torn apart." "Oh," I said.

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