Part 4: The Truth

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[ Bonnie's POV ]
When I woke up this morning, I had the sudden urge to go talk to Freddy. I don't know why I wanted to so bad, but I got up from my bed, got dressed, and looked at my alarm clock. It was 5:47 A.M. Way too early for anyone to be up. " I don't think I should go see Freddy, I don't want to bother him," I told myself. So I just stayed in my room because I didn't want to wake anyone by walking around and making noises.
I got bored so I grabbed my guitar, the one I perform with, and starting tuning it. I hummed the music the string makes to make sure I got the sound just right because no one wants an out of tune guitar.
In the middle of tuning my C string, I heard a knock at my door. Who in there right mind, except me, would be up this early in the morning? I opened the door to find Freddy standing in the doorway.
"Umm.. Sorry I woke you, Bonnie, but I just had the weirdest feeling that I had to talk to you." Did he really just say that? This is the first time in ages we've felt the same way about anything! I nodded my head and said," Yeah, yeah. I kinda felt that way too, which is kinda weird." He scratched the back of his head, looking kinda nervous about something.
"Well, umm.. I know why I felt like that," he told me. I wondered if he felt the same way about me as I did about him. "Why," I asked.
"Well.. I like you. A lot. I dream about you, I think about you every second of the day, and I look forward to seeing you. That's why I go to bed so early because I want the night to be over so I can see you again. I was so nervous on how to tell you this. I talked to Foxy, Chica, Mike, and Sage and they gave me advice on how to tell you. If you don't feel the same way, I understand. I just had to tell you. Let me just get to the point: you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I...I love you, Bonnie"
I just stood there, butterflies in my stomach. I felt exactly the same way. "Oh my gosh, Freddy. I didn't know...," was all I could say. Let's be honest here: that was the best day ever. "I know, you hate me. But it's the truth." " I don't hate you, Freddy, I love you too. I've liked you since I've met you. I feel the same way, which is weird because we never feel the same way about anything!"
We hugged, but right when he was going to let go, I said," Wait! Don't let go just yet." It was the best moment in my life. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world, his arms around me, his soft, warm fur surrounding me. We let go, but when I was going to tell his goodbye, he said," Hold on. I like you, well I love you,but whatever, and you like me. So.. will you go out with me?" "YESSSSS!!!" I was screaming that in my head, but all I said was," Yeah, sure. That sounds like fun. Pick me up at 8?" We agreed on 8 and he left. When I closed the door, I jumped up and down and squealed like any other girl would when her lifelong crush asked her out and admitted he loved her. I know it's "girly" for me to do that, but I couldn't put my emotions into words, so I did that.
I looked out the peephole in my door to see if Freddy was still there. He was. He was doing that arm thing that people do that means "yes!" and was saying,"Haha, yeah Freddy! You asked out your biggest crush and she said yes! This is going to be the best date ever! I better not mess this up..," then he just walked away,looking nervous. I laughed and walked back to my bed. I started playing my guitar. After,I picked out my outfit for tonight. I hope the date goes good!
[ Freddy's POV ]
I randomly woke up this morning at 6:30. Why'd I wake up that early? Everyone was probably asleep, so I got up, stretched, and put my hat and bow tie on. I didn't know why, but I felt weird. I felt like I should go talk to Bonnie. I didn't know why, but it felt like something where if you're in love, but I couldn't be in love, could I? I looked at the picture of Bonnie and me in the photo booth on my birthday. Her hand was around my neck, her other hand holding a party blower. My hand made bunny ears behind her head, which you couldn't see much of because her real ears were blocking my hand, but you could tell what I was doing.
Then that's what I realized what that feeling was. I was in love with Bonnie! I decided, whether she was up or not, to tell her how I felt about her. I know it sounds rude to wake someone up like that, but I needed to tell her.
I walked down the hallway to her room. I was going to knock on the door, but I hesitated. "What if this ruins our friendship," I thought to myself. But really, what if it did. I didn't want her out of my life or her hating me, but I decided to do it anyways because she needed to know, no matter what the cost.
I knocked on her door and heard her put something down and get up. She opened the door and I told her everything. She just stood there, which worried me because she probably was thinking,"What a weirdo! I don't like him like that! I hate him now!" I started to sweat a little now, which was extra weird because animatronics couldn't sweat... She told me that she liked me too and that she felt the same way, which was weird cause we don't usually feel the same way about anything.
I hugged her and she hugged back. I liked the hug because her warm fur was touching me other than her play punching me and accidentally brushing against me, which I liked, too, but I liked the hug way better. Now was the hard part: asking her on a date. I hesitated once again but then stopped worrying once I saw her smile at me. Her beautiful smile put me out of my doubt and I asked her if she would like to go out with me. She said yes and right when she said that, I turned into the happiest bear alive! "YESSSSS!"I thought to myself, but I kept it cool in reality.
We said our goodbyes and, right when she closed the door, I celebrated. I did that hand thing that people do that means," yesss!," and said,"Haha, yeah Freddy! This is going to be the best date ever! I better not mess this up..." Then I walked away, hoping she didn't hear or see me. Once I got back to my room I picked out my outfit for tonight ( at 8 ) and sighed. I hope I was right, I hope this will be the best date ever.

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