Chapter 1: My Favorite Person Is Haruka Nanase

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Auditional Warnings;
Descriptions of PVSpatient-Haruka (which may be disturbing to some?)

Please, know that these characters don't belong to me but to the anime "Free! Iwatobi Swim Club", also know that this is NOT canon and the shipping of MakoHaru is only mild in this fanfiction, if you want more intense shipping (not smut) go to my other stories and choose one of the slowburn MakoHaru medical AUs I've written, okay?

Other than that, I hope you enjoy this (possibly short) story and I hope my research did it justice :)
Don't be shy and leave me a comment ;)

Love, Noa <3

(Go to the end of the story for more information on my research)

Enjoy :)


"My favorite person in the entire world is Haruka Nanase," I say. "He used to be a great swimmer in high school, I was on the same team as him, I wasn't as good by far."

The class of five handicapped children glares at me, because they're fully interested in my explanation of the assignment they're going to do for tomorrow.

"We're best friends, always have been." I smile lightly, thinking back to the simple days when we were still in high school thinking that choosing a college would be the toughest choice we'd ever have to make. "He always was silent and sometimes he could be really rude, but that didn't make like him less. Haruka's my favorite person of everyone I know."

It takes the younger kids a moment to process what I just said, but eventually one of them starts clapping in his hands enthusiastically, asking, "Mister Tachibana? Could you maybe bring this friend to school one day?"

I grimace, thinking of the thing I left out of my introduction to the favorite-person-in-the-world-essay. What they don't know is that Haruka lives with me, but there's no way he could ever come to school. What I mean is, there's a reason he lives at my house and not on his own, it's because he's unable to care for himself and his parents probably don't even know about the state their son is in.

"Sorry." I shake my head sadly. "I can't, he's... busy."

It's a big lie, Haruka's busy being alive of course, but he's not busy with work or studying like I am.

One of the younger girls, Sakura, almost starts crying when I say no. She always has difficulties with people telling her "no" and I know this, so I immediately feel bad for saying that.

"Look, I'm sorry," I repeat and sit down, so I'm more down to the kids' eyelevel. "Haruka... he just can't right now, he's a little sick."

A little... I wince at my choice of words. Haruka's not even near a little sick, he's barely alive. Otherwise I wouldn't be working right now to earn the money I immediately have to spend on medical equipment, hospital visits and medication, and I wouldn't also be paying a nurse right now, just so I'm able to work without permanently having to check Haruka into a housing with 24/7 care.

"But if he's better," I continue, still full on lying and whishing the parents will wander into the hallway soon to pick their children up. "I promise to bring him, if he's better. Okay?"

I get a few nods, nothing more.

"Okay, back to your assignment." I look at the paperwork on my table, all sorts of assignments these children still have to take throughout this month. "I want you all to record a little information about your favorite person in the entire world, just like I did just a second ago."

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