Chapter 6: First Words Always Make Someone Proud

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I just woke up to the blaring music that's named my alarm. It's seven in the morning and it's honestly been a while since I woke up this early. But today, Haruka has an appointment at the hospital.

I yawn as I shuffle towards Haruka's room.

Weeks have gone by and so much has changed, including my schedule; I don't have to get up at three in the morning anymore, because Haruka's finally mostly conscious and able to eat somewhat solid food again. This means I don't have give him his formula consisting of nutrients four times a day, but only two, since he gets most of his nutrients from the smoothies, pudding and oatmeal.

After a couple of weeks filled with therapy, Haruka can now move his hands freely, sit upright and lift his arms a little. He hasn't spoken yet, but the doctors say they think he's as conscious as he can be so if he's still able to talk he will speak sometime soon, and Haruka still has to start therapy so he can learn to walk again. He also still needs help dressing and getting the food to his mouth, so I still have to get up early in the morning.

I knock on the door before entering en when I do, I say, "Good morning, Haruka. How are you doing today? Had a nice sleep?" while walking into the room and preparing things for his breakfast.


I almost drop the oatmeal when I hear it; a hoarse voice coming from Haruka's bed. I turn around, heart pounding, and see Haruka staring at me. His eyebrows are a little furrowed, but his eyes are filled with a sparkling happiness when he closes his mouth and presses it into a firm line.

I put down the oatmeal and ask, "Did you just... speak?"

I wonder if I'm just imagining things, or Haruka just actually spoke to me.

Haruka blinks a few times before nodding. His mouth opens again, and I can see completely concentration on his face when he says, "S-stop... Ca-c-calling me... H-ha-haru-ka."

A smile tucks at the corners of my mouth and I can't help laughing at Haruka wasting his first words in four years on something so predictable. When the chuckles leave my mouth, I catch Haruka blushing while glancing away.

"I'm sorry, Haru," I say, smiling at Haruka with a wide smile. "Old habits... am I right?"

Haruka shrugs and I feel myself grinning even more when Haruka's cheeks grow redder with every second that passes. By the time I'm ready feeding him, Haruka's about same the color as tomatoes.

I didn't expect Haruka to talk much today, since he hasn't started speech therapy yet, talking must be extremely hard for him. But as we're at the hospital, waiting in the waiting room, he turns his head to me. I look back at him and find myself wondering why there are tears welling up in his eyes.

"M-makoto?" His silent voice is barely audible in the busy waiting room. "W-why?"

I frown, not knowing what he means by that, and ask, "What? Why."

Haruka bites the inside of his cheek and tries again. "Why c-care f-f-for me?"

Confusement strikes me and I suddenly don't really know what to answer. Has he really asked me why I cared for him? Why I took him in and dedicated my life to making sure he was okay?

"Well." My cheeks get warm, I have my reasons, and I have many of them. "I, um, I guess I thought I owed you... you know, for when you saved my life at the beach that one time?"

Haruka looks away, almost as if he's disappointed with my answer.

"That, and you're my best friend, Haruka."

His blue eyes shoot at me and he frowns.

"Sorry... You're my best friend, Haru." I correct myself so he doesn't have to waste his voice on telling me. "And I couldn't stand the thought of letting you die, you know, since I-I..."

I get interrupted by Haruka's name being called out by Aimoto's voice.

I look away from Haruka, but feel my cheeks getting warmer while I roll him through the hallways as we follow Aimoto to his office. Our eyes don't meet until Aimoto starts this meeting by asking me how Haruka has been doing.

I shake my head.

"What?" Aimoto's eyes shoot at Haruka and I can see confusion taking over every other expression on my face. "Has he not been doing well?" I hold back a grin when I tell him to ask Haruka, and after a moment of hesitation Aimoto does as I tell him.

Haruka doesn't smile, he even looks a little embarrassed as he forced out a short, stammered and silent "good" before glancing away.

Aimoto glances at me and says, "Oh, well, I see... when has he, uhm, have you started talking again?"

I see Haruka struggling to get the words out of his throat and tell Aimoto all about this morning myself, and when I'm finished I almost burst out in laughter; I've never seen a grown man look so confused in my entire life before, and I've seen my fair amount of confused grownups.

"That's great." Aimoto smiles while readjusting his glasses. "Yeah, okay, wow! I honestly gave up hope on you regaining the ability to talk, but since you do we will start planning speech therapy as soon as possible, if that's okay with you?"

Haruka nods, and I do too; out of habit, since I'm used to speaking for Haruka by now.

We talk over some other things, because that's why we originally came here. Aimoto tells us that Haruka's likely to be able to use his hands and upper body to its fullest, but that there's a huge chance that Haruka won't be able to walk for, probably, about a couple of years since his legs have completely stopped working. That's because, even though he has complete conscious now, he still has quite a big amount of brain damage.

Other than that everything looked great, much better than they'd expected when looking at the Haruka that got here for check-ups a few months ago. So much has changed, and I am happier than I've ever been! Now's my job to make sure Haruka also feels that way.



Hey there,
Okay, so the next chapter is THE LAST one :)
I finished writing, literally, one minute ago and I am pretty proud of this story if I may say so myself! I'm curious to see what you think of it, and I hope you don't find it too romanticized, because like I said in the beginning this is pure research and my strong will to work towards something that I can call a "happy ending". but we shall see, won't we?

Love, Noa <3

Next Chapter:
"My favorite person is Makoto Tachibana," he said... :)

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