Chapter 5: Iwatobi Swim Club Visits

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An entire week has gone by since I, we, got the news that Haruka could start his recovery process.

He's made a lot of improvement since then, so much even that Aimoto is very impressed with Haruka's recovery pace. Most people that have been in a permanent vegetative state for more than a year won't either not wake up at all, or have a really slow recovery pace if they even get some improvement after slipping into the minimally conscious state.

Haruka, though, seems to be doing well. Every morning I have to go through a list with all sorts of tasks, and I've been able to communicate with him a little. No talking yet, sadly, but he can use nodding and shaking of his head to answer yes-or-no questions. He also sometimes communicates by blinking once for yes and twice for no, same with squeezing my hand.

What's one of the other best things about Haruka being more conscious now, is that he learned to swallow again. At least, he can when he's not extremely sad or mad, which means he isn't drooling on himself all the time anymore.

He's doing so well, they even removed his trach, which mean he can start doing speech therapy when the wound in his neck has fully healed. And honestly, I can't wait for that, because I cannot wait to hear his voice after so long of only hearing some moans and mumbles.

And as for today, we've got a busy schedule.

Haruka's at the hospital for therapy right now, they're trying to teach him to move his arms and hands freely again, but that's still a work in process, seeing he has only been able to move his fingers so far. And he's also learning to keep his head upright without needing support, same goes for sitting upright. They're trying, but they're also taking it slow, that's why we've chosen to do therapy only a couple of hours a day, that way Haruka can spend most time at home just like usually.

And, this afternoon, when Haruka gets back from therapy he has about two hours to rest and sleep a little and I can feed him, such things. Because later today our old friends from high school have decided to come by.

They did that often when Haruka had just had the accident, but it gradually became too much to handle for them to see Haruka like that. But when I actually knew that Haruka started going in the right direction right now, I texted them and they were thrilled to see with their own eyes that Haruka was doing better after such a long time.

I think Haruka would also like it to see them, but it's a surprise so I haven't told him yet.

I, myself, have been preparing for Nagisa, Rei and Rin's visit for hours. From the minute I got home after dropping Haruka off at the hospital, I started preparing; setting down chairs by Haruka's bed and dragging a table to his room so I could offer them something to eat while they're here.

I even went to the store to get sweets and coffee and cookies to give them.

And now, when I've finally sitting in the car and driving to the hospital to pick up Haruka, I'm getting a little nervous about seeing all of them again. I haven't spoken to Rei and Nagisa for, two years, I think, they just eventually stopped coming by to visit Haruka and I stopped swimming as soon as I got the chance to leave the swim club.

And three years... that's how long I haven't seen Rin, because he felt so bad every time he visited Haruka at the hospital. That is because his last words to Haruka were something like, "Everyone else is background noise, this is strictly between you and me... and I will relish destroying you." He regretted saying that so much, because somewhere deep down he relished the underlying friendship he had with Haruka, underneath their rivalry, I mean. And he destroyed Haruka, big time, but now he never got the chance to apologies. Up to today, at least.

I drive Haruka home from the hospital, and in the car I talk to him a lot, but not about the guys' visit this afternoon. I want Haruka to be able to rest a little before they come by.

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