Chapter 7: "My Favorite Peron Is Makoto Tachibana," He Said

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"My Favorite person in the entire world is Makoto Tachibana," Haruka says, talking slowly while glaring at the floor. "He's my best friend and he stayed by my side, even when it got really hard."

I smile, glancing from Haruka to the small class of children that glare at Haruka with huge eyes. They're extremely interested, or so it seems, and I got the most enthusiastic reaction when I told them yesterday that Haruka would be able to come by.

I never expected this to happen, to hear Haruka say those words, but after months of therapy, he's much more like himself again. He still doesn't like talking much, but I think he enjoys having the opportunity to whenever he needs to say something.

And he's no longer completely dependent of me, since now he can do mostly anything but get out of bed himself and walk. Other than that he's mainly independent.

That's why, since he's doing so well and it's exactly six months after Haruka started showing the first signs of regaining consciousness, we decided to make today a special day; first he'd join me at work, at least at the end of the morning, that's why he's here in my classroom right now.

And afterwards, in five minutes when the bell rings, I'll be driving us to the local pool so we can go swimming. Yes, swimming! Of course Haruka will need some help and in the water he'll be mostly depending on either me or some kind of floating device to hold onto, but I'm sure he'll enjoy it. Because even though he had a traumatic experience last time he swam, he can't stop shutting up about wanting to learn how to swim again.

"So, as you can see," I continue where I left off before Haruka got the word. "My friend Haruka has, just like you, also some difficulties with things. And that's what I wanted to talk about, shortly."

The children's gazes move from Haruka to me when my voice breaks the silence.

"Sakura, you asked why I wasn't giving class for a while, do you remember?"

The little girl nods, her expression curious as ever.

"That has to do with Haruka, because he'd been very sick for a long while," I explain, glancing at Haruka who's still focused on the ground. "And then he suddenly started getting better, and I wanted to be there for him, you understand?"

Sakura nods again and then looks at Haruka as she asks, "So, are you better now? Has mister Tachibana been sweet to you, like he is to us?"

I chuckle and Haruka looks up at me for some sort of approval before he answers, "Yes, he wa--he is."

A smile appears on my face, causing Haruka to start blushing. He grins lightly when the bell rings and the parents of the kids walk inside, probably because he thinks I won't see him smiling sheepishly.

I tell the children goodbye before turning back to Haruka and saying, "I'll do my work when we're home, let's go. Okay?"

Haruka nods once, and watches me as I pack my things before walking to the door. "Are you coming?" I ask, turning around to Haruka.

He nods again and starts wheeling himself towards me and through the door.

We don't speak much in the car drive, but we don't have to, since it's only a few minutes long drive. Within no time we arrive at the indoor swimming pool, close to where we live.

I help Haruka change into his swimsuit and press myself into one of my high school swimsuits, before we go inside. My feet on the cold tiles, they bring back flashes of memories, as I push Haruka towards the pool. Haruka's clearly also thinking back of the days, to when everything was easier, and I guess only the smell of chlorine is enough to give us both that nostalgic feeling.

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