Flavor Text: Items of Elphyne I

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Lost Vanguard

- Core containing the soul of the Lost Vanguard Knight. A fairy corrupted by the poison of this land. This warrior was far removed from the battlefield yet seeks it still. Though the mind is gone instinct drives him still, for that is part of the curse. Use to create something of worth and value. – Corrupted Warriors Core.

+ Long Sword of the Lost Vanguard who was among the knights who led the charges against the pixie invaders. This sword has cut down countless soldiers of the pixies, to protect the kingdom, and yet still it seeks to bleed away its enemies, that will only cause it to rust and decay away. – Wild Edge. (Weapon: Sword, Dual Edge, Strength)

+ Small shield given to the vanguard forces of the Marquis. The vanguard unit had little use for large and weighty shields. These shields were designed to parry attacks and leave the enemy wide open to be cut down. For the Vanguard that led the assaults speed and power were all that they needed. This in turn served as a motto for the vanguard. - Ferisher Parry Shield. (Shield: Small)

+ Tattered leather armor of the Lost Vanguard Knight. There are those among the cursed who were transformed and made savage by the touch of the moon. Yet to these very same beings made strong by the light of the moon, this light is a veritable poison that erodes will and life. – Vanguard Knight Set. (Armor: Medium)


Kulu of the Pyre Forest

- Core containing the soul of Kulu of the Pyre Forest. Kulu was tainted by the curse and it began to accumulate in the body of the peaceable fairy. Kulu was devoured whole by the curse, falling into madness. Use to create something of value and worth. – Core of Kulu.

+ Tattered robes of Kulu that increase intelligence, and insight at the cost of reduced resistance to insanity, magic and spirit Artes. Kulu never wore anything other than these robes. These robes made from the Pyre Plant is said to allow one to see deeper into the world fissure that separates this realm from the next. – Robes of Pyre Heartwood. (Armor: Light)

+ Bronze mirror used by Kulu. The mirror a symbol of true representations. On the Front of the Mirror is the depiction of the fissure that separates the spirit realm from the afterlife. Kulu used this mirror to peer further into void. Those that see the image of the reflection have vanished, as if they were spirited away. [Skill - Phantasmal Deliria: Use Insight to Summon ghostly vestiges]. – Interstice Spirit Mirror. (Weapon: Misc., Mirror, Spirit)

+ Special ring born of the deep crystals and curse warding enchantments. This ring was presented to the Marquis of Ferisher who bore a great and heavy responsibility by the Fairy King. Yllzythe in turn gave his friend this ring as a symbol of their friendship in hopes that it would protect him, who was constantly putting himself at risk. – Noble Ferishers Signet Ring. (Accessories: Ring)

+ Kulu born in the Pyre Woods, devoted himself to studying the arcane and incorporeal, this being a great risk in the curse laden kingdom. Kulu sought to find the source of the curse and seal it; no matter the risk. Perhaps this is what lead to his eventual descent into madness, for he was already half-way there. – Pyre Wood Catalyst. (Weapon: Mag, Magic Weapon, Catalyst)


The Hybrid Swarm, Arnyvalkae

- Core containing the soul of the Arnyvalkae. Born from a mutation of mixed Wisp and Sprite DNA; the Arnyvalkae is creature of chaos and is erratic by nature. They are fiercely territorial often mimicking other creatures to intimidate would be predators. Their gold-like gel is made from light particles: collected, processed, and stored in complete darkness. Use to create something of worth and value. – Core of the Hybrid.

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