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Chapter 37

A L D R I C 

Where did you go? I demanded my wolf. You shut me out. 

Since I was sixteen, my wolf had slowly dissipated to the back of my head. He offered advice but I never took it. Heera's torture seemed to burn through him, hurting him in ways that made it difficult for him to take charge. So I controlled us in wolf form and mortal form but last night - Laric decided to close me out. I was unable to see where he was going or what he was doing.

I had to shut you out. He finally responded. 

You can't shut me out! I hissed at him. You have never shut me down -

I had personal bussiness. 

Personal bussiness? I snapped at my wolf. Your business is my bussiness!

Laric stopped responding then. I felt my frustration burn through me as I tried to figure out where my wolf was running off to. This was the first time he managed to shut me out in years. Normally, it was me who shut him out and earned these yelling. I tried to call him again but only recieved silence. The silent part of me was proud of my wolf for coming out to his full potential. 

"I want to apologize," Freya said when I came back into our tent the next night. We were back to fighting with the witches. Another battle went by. We won this but it wasn't a permanent victory. Permanent victory - that's what I needed. Elysia was not in battle today. Her scent was nowhere to be found. Did the witches know she could do what she did?

Of course they did.

Elysia joined them, sided with them, and fought beside them. There was no doubt she would fight me too. Hurt me too.

You should believe the things you feel about her all the time, not just when you're drunk.

"I want to apologize," Freya repeated, realizing I wasn't listening. "I think I forget that she's your mate and how hard this must be for you. It wasn't fair for me to ask you to hurt her or even suggest something like this."

I stared at her, feeling the rage I held against her melt. I still couldn't believe she would suggest something as horrible as her fear illusions to hurt my mate. I don't even think Freya knew the extent of her powers until High Priestess Guinevere was attacked.

Never again. I had hissed at her immediately. Never use them again.

Guinevere's screams were too vicious. But there was sadness written across Freya's features as she stood before me. 

"I want to apologize too," I finally said. "I haven't been fair to you and the comment I made yesterday was not appropriate."

Turning my wolves into my enemies wasn't the solution. Slowly, Freya leaned in to hug me and I wrapped my arms around her, tightly. I hugged her softly, lifted her body off the ground. We moved back on the bed and she placed her head on my shoulder. Her body was radiating a warm heat. Her once dark hair had finally become a silver color, beautiful as the moonlight. Yet, a single strand was still brown. She had yet to earn all parts of the Moon Goddess' blessings.

Her eyes, blue as the ocean, looked like soft waves at the beach. They were gentle and warm. She took my hand ever so slightly and Freya maintained her head on my shoulder. I traced the soft spot between her thumb and wrist, running them over in soft circles for some kind of comfort.

"I - I want to apologize for a lot of things," Freya continued. "But I also want you to understand that what I have against her isn't something that rose because I thought she was taking you away from me. "

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