Chapter 11

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Next room that I unearthed had a lovely banner of a young lady welcoming with her hands wide open and with a smile spread all over her face. Despite the fact that a banner was annexed on the Door, it gave no conception of what was going inside and what was the club about. I got the door handle and with a murmur headed inside. The entryway opened with a noisy squeak and out of nowhere mellifluous sound came into my ears. But , it didn't long last.

Albeit I had just entered the room ,I could make out that my presence was perturbing for the people present in the room that I just entered. You see that they ceased playing, since I intruded on them.

This time it was music club. Furthermore, by their articulations I could make out that they were very vexed for obscure reasons. Obviously I had intruded on their rehearsal, but it was no reason for them to be frantic at me after all they can commence again.

As I was thinking about why they are so angry and making nettled faces, the recorder which was kept at the corner of the room caught my eye. "I am sorry, pardon me". And with that as I was going to go back, when a certain hand patted me on shoulder.

"why so fast". It was their member. What's more, with that I got ambuscaded once again . Later did I realize that they were recording a musical composition and due to me opening the entryway they got perturbed which broke the flow . That as well as the sound of the door creaking withal got recorded. They were practically over when I entered and ruined their last lines that were left. It was their eleventh attempt. Indeed, even I was feeling sorry for them.

I was excused after I bought a can for each of them which was quite hard for my pocket. After died I saw Sakura in the hallway. I ran towards her with eyes filled with tears of happiness . "Are you okay?". She asked for I came dashing towards her. "I beg you, please take me to your club room.....". "Okay sure", and with that we went straight ahead.

"You see our club was the last one to register therefore we got the last room". And it was true. We went to the corner of the long hallway. I was lucky to find sakura at nick of time or who knows what would have happened. As I opened the door, I got the biggest surprise of the day

(NOTE: Guys I am sorry for the delay and shorter chapters. I will try to be more punctual. Thanks!!! Love you Guys)

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