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My alarm rings. I groan dramatically.

Me: God, why is this even set?

I always forget to turn off that damn alarm. I graduated school a year ago and I'm not going to college yet. I never wanted to go. I want to travel the world, find out about myself. Explore. I want to learn. I don't wanna work for someone. I don't see a use in this.

???: Wake up, asshole.

I hear impolite knocking on my door.

Me: Ugh, fuck off.

Minho: No.

I stomp out of bed and open.

Me: What?

Minho: Katie and Jake are visiting a friend today.

I yawn lazily.

Me: So?

He scoffs annoyed.

Minho: Turn your brain on.

Me: I don't want to?

I walk pass him carelessly and head to the living room.

Minho: Oh my god, you're such a stupid idiot.

Me: No, I'm just hungry.

He turns me around harshly.

Minho: Here.

He hands me an apple.

Me: What do I look like? The tooth fairy?

Minho: Eat this, you fucking dickhead.

I sigh and grab it sulkily.

Me: Now what you want, man?

Minho: Min, Jake and Katie are visiting a friend today.

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