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I close my eyes trying to focus.

Kihyun: Shit?

He chuckles in disbelief.

Kihyun: I see.

He gets up and throws on his shirt.

Me: Wait.

I bite my lip being insanely clueless on what to tell him before I get up as well following him outside the room.

Me: Babe, listen.

Kihyun: Why? I saw what I saw.

I grab him by his arm tightly.

Me: Please.

We look deeply into each other's eyes.

Me: Let me explain.

Kihyun: Fine. Explain.

I swallow before I speak up again.

Me: This-

I point out my screen.

Me: Is not what it looks like right now.

He scoffs.

Me: No, really! It's not.

I run my hand through my hair.

Me: Okay...

I take a breath nodding to myself.

Me: Okay, listen. This is an unknown number that keeps on texting me weird stuff. The person behind the screen might be a maniac that stalks me and tries to fuck up my life.

He frowns at me.

Me: You know I would never lie to you, Kihyun.

I begin to tear up when he still won't say anything back.

Me: Believe me, please. This person knows everything I do, they see everything I see and they- they know where I am and when. I couldn't tell any of you because they count my sins and every time I disobey they harm you, they kill you!

I'm panting from all the anxiety that has built up inside of me. Staring right at him I just hope so badly he's gonna hug me and say it's gonna be alright. But that's just the reality I'd like to live.

Kihyun: So that means you know who my kidnapper is? You know Wonho's killer?!

I'm trembling. Hearing his name still drives me crazy.

Kihyun: Got nothing to say? So am I right?

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