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I moan as I feel my skin being touched.

Kihyun: Minji?

He continues kissing me roughly.

Me: Huh?

I grab him by his hair squeezing it for a second.

Kihyun: That box that I gave you...

He pinches my waist making me shiver.

Kihyun: Have you opened it yet?

I close my eyes and he stops before our looks meet.

Me: No.

He nods looking at me.

Kihyun: Why not?

Me: I- don't know I totally forgot about it.

I shrug.

Me: Hey, don't look at me like that.

I smile grabbing his face turning it to me since he's just turned his gaze away.

Me: Don't worry. Okay?

He nods slowly seeming some kind of upset still. I let loose.

Me: I got this.

Kihyun: Yeah, I know.

He returnes my smile.

Kihyun: You got this.

Leaning in again he continues exploring my neck with his tongue.

Me: When are your friends gonna come?

He smirks making me giggle.

Kihyun: Not yet.

He titters along while lifting me onto the kitchen counter.

Me: Good.

I kiss him. The moment he's gotten out of the hospital we've met immediately. When he told me over text that he was at home again I drove over actually wanting to check on him. But somehow we ended up making out. And I don't regret it. It makes me forget about the rest. I don't think of anything. Just this.

But there's always something coming in between. My phone rings.

Me: Ugh.

I sigh.

Kihyun: Are you gonna pick up?

Me: I bet it's Minho.

He nods kissing me one last time and I get up grabbing my phone.

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