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Me: y would it be a trick


Sherrie-baby: Umm because if he the murderer heon want us to know???

Me: sensible.. but no!


Sherrie-baby: U picking me up? I'm lowkey scared.......

I run my hand through my hair sighing.

Me: yeah fine. b right there


Sherrie-baby: THANK YOU!

Me: c u in a few


Sherrie-baby: til then

What a drama queen. As if Changbin was the murderer. He helped me to save Kihyun. A murderer wouldn't want to save his victim. I know who the murderer is. It's that bitch.

Me: I know who it is...

My heart starts beating faster slowly coming aware.

Me: They're trying to separate us...

I feel like I'm realizing what's going on.

Me: They've put the mask into his dresser!

My widened eyes become even bigger.

Me: Shit!

I grab my phone and keys running of out my room and down the stairs.

Katie: Honey? Where are you going?

I close my eyes hesitatingly stopping.

Me: I- have to go. Now.

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