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Changbin: Okay? Fuck the cops.

Sherrie: You're so stupid, just switch your brain on.

Changbin: I don't need my brain. All I need is these.

He smirks as he's rolling up his sleeves, showing off his arms.

Me: Well, I like your enthusiasm.

I check the area suspiciously.

Me: Let's go in. After me.

Jisung: I can... wait here. I mean someone should watch out for dangerous... people... passing b-

He steps onto a stick cracking it and flinches.

Jisung: Forget it, I'll go with you.

Sherrie and I giggle at each other.

Changbin: I'll go first.

I scoff, rolling my eyes.

Me: You shouldn't- okay.

Changbin: I'm the only man here. I'm the strongest.

Jisung gasps loudly.

Jisung: What about me?! I'm a strong man as well, what is that supposed to mean?!

Sherrie covers his mouth annoyed.

Sherrie: Quiet.

She sighs while Jisung just crosses his arms in front of his chest.

Sherrie: You know what, we should really leave him outside.

Jisung complains mumbling but luckily we can't understand him.

Changbin: Fuck, just come on. I didn't come here to waste my time.

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