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It's cold out here.

Jisung: You should've thought of a jacket.

He looks me up and down.

Jisung: You're freezing.

Me: I'm not.

He raises his eyebrow.

Jisung: Yes you are.

Me: I'm not.

I bite my teeth together so they stop chattering.

Me: Not that much.

He laughs shaking his head.

Jisung: Stop trying to hide it I can literally see your goosebumps.

I glance at my bare arms instantly covering them with my hands.

Jisung: Seriously?

Me: Let's just move on.

I take another step when he pulls me backwards. Wanting to escape him I fail, because he traps me in between his arms.

Jisung: Take care of yourself, Minji.

He's hugging me.

Me: You don't have to do that.

Jisung: Yes I do.

He presses me against his chest even tighter.

Jisung: You don't have to pretend being okay when you're not.

I breathe out not knowing what to reply.

Jisung: You're great even though you do mistakes sometimes.

I can feel his heartbeat fasten while a smile grows on my face.

Jisung: And I mean you you, not you in general.

He makes me laugh.

Me: You're so funny.

Jisung: That wasn't even a joke...

I laugh even harder sinking deeper into his embrace.

Me: You're unintentionally funny.

Jisung: Uh, thank you?

He titters awkwardly.

Me: That's something good, take it as a compliment. Your future wife is gonna be lucky.

Jisung: Why tho? I'm an idiot.

I turn my head to him.

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