Chapter Eight- A Surprise Date

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I hadn't been expecting to receive a text from Logan Golde, during me washing up after dinner, but I received one anyway. 

He had asked me to meet him outside. 

So, I dashed upstairs, got ready, and then quickly went back down to exclaim to my parents about where I would be going. 

"Hey," I greeted him, with a warm smile. 

"Hey, Kiera," he replied, "Now, I've got to be honest. I hadn't initially planned on just knocking on your door, but i was in the neighbourhood, I remembered the address. Felt like an idea," he stated, with a small smile. 

"It's good to see you, Logan," I replied. 

The two of us wandered away from the house, after I had made sure the door was locked up, and we began to walk down the sidewalk, as the sky darkened, and some of the stars became visible.

It always took me by surprise just how short the days felt in the winter. 

Either way, we continued to walk on a little further, and I soon stopped in my tracks as I saw Gina stood ahead of us. 

"Hey Gina," I greeted her, with a warm smile. 

She looked between Logan and I, then, with a slightly inquisitive expression, but then spoke, as a gentle breeze blew past.

"It's nice to see you, Kiera," she said, "And who's this?" 

"This is Logan," I told her, kindly. 

Logan just gave a wave her way. 

"Nice to meet you," he stated. 

"Are you just on an afternoon walk?" she asked me. 

"No, we're looking for ghosts," I said, then. 

Logan raised an eyebrow at me, but soon smirked in amusement. 

"Interesting," Gina said, "Well, keep me posted. Let me know if you find any," she stated. 

"What are you doing out here, Gina?" I inquired. 

"Just out...zombie hunting," she replied, with good humour. 

"Well, it has to be done! You can never be too careful," I replied. 

Gina released a chuckle. 

"Mateo asked about you, I'll let him know you're all good," she said, then. 

"And let him know I'm thinking of him, too!" I said quickly, but almost felt it too quick, as I noticed Logan direct me with slightly widened eyes, in his suprise. 

"I will do, darling," she said, "See you later, Kiera!" 

I waved her away,  and Logan and I continued to walk on for a moment. 

It was quiet for a short while, as I thought about what to say. 

Fortunately for me, Logan soon spoke instead. 

"You look really nice," he said. 

I turned to him with a sweet smile. 

"Thanks, Logan," I replied. 

"I mean, better than nice, actually. Beautiful," he stated. 

"Thank you," I said. 

I had thought that compliment would have impacted me more, but I supposed  that I was just getting more comfortable being around Logan, now. 

"It's a beautiful evening, don't you think?" I asked him, stepping under a street lamp for a moment, and letting the golden warmth of the light wash over me, for a fleeting moment. 

Girls Again (Girls Talk series #3) (LGBTQ+)  ✓Where stories live. Discover now