Chapter Nine- The Twins

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I ended up having to text Starla to let her know that I couldn't hang out the next day, unfortunately, as the Candors were visiting. 

Just Jay and Gina this time around, though, so I assumed that Mateo was going to be spending time with his dad. 

It would be good for the both of them. I knew that they hadn't spent much time together recently. 

Fox moved a hand through her long red waves, and then turned to direct a smile towards me. 

I would have asked her if she needed any help in preparing breakfast (which was fruit salad today), but Margo soon called me into the dining room. 

So, I directed a gentle smile towards Fox, before heading in to see what my other mother needed. 

"Hey mama," I said, kissing her cheek gently, as I sat beside her. 

"Hey honey. How's you?" she asked me. 

"I'm okay," I replied, "Why?" I added, as she had this inquisitive expression upon her face. 

"How did your date go with Logan last night?" she asked. 

Yep. Should have seen this one coming. 

"It wasn't really a date, per say. It was more just an instance of him being in the neighbourhood and inviting me out," I returned. 

"Right," Margo said, but the small smirk she had told me that it wasn't enough to convince her. 

Right before I could say anything about that, though, our doorbell rang with that same old melody, and I went to open the door to see Jay stood before me. 

"Hi Jay!" I greeted him with a smile. 

"Hey girly," he replied, with a smile my way, "How are you doing?" he asked me, as he gathered me into a hug. 

"I'm alright. At least, I think I'm alright," I added. 

"Oh...should I be worried?" he asked, then, as he drew back from the hug momentarily. 

"I mean...I don't think so?" I replied, "I suppose it just hit hard when Swan told me that she would be moving away, too," I stated, then. 

Swan appeared momentarily surprised. 

"Wait, Swan is heading away?" he asked. 

"Did Gina not mention anything?" I asked, then. 

In all honesty, though, I wasn't sure whether it was common place for girls to talk about their mother in laws or not. 

"Not yet, at least," Jay said. 

I just shrugged. 

"It'll be okay," he assured me. 

Fox soon rushed towards the both of us, only to collect Jay into a hug, too. 

"Jay! It's so good to see you again," she said. 

"You too, Fox," Jay replied with a smile, "How's everyone going?" 

"Well, Starla just let me know that she's going to be studying today, or at least, trying to," I said, as I glanced down at my phone for a few seconds. 

I hoped that she wouldn't be too mad at me for bailing on her, but hey, family hang outs called. 

They were really important, too. 

"Awesome. Gina will be here soon, I'm sure," Jay added. 

"Cool," Fox said, with a sweet smile, "I'm sure that Margo will be through soon, too. She's just finishing up some articles for our blog," she explained. 

Girls Again (Girls Talk series #3) (LGBTQ+)  ✓Where stories live. Discover now