C H A P T E R 2

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"Ren! Sweetie! Please do me a favor and get these ingredients in the marketplace. I'll be cooking your favorite today... it's curry!"

A gentle voice shouted out from the kitchen of their small house.

Small rapid footsteps were heard coming down from the stairs connecting the floor above and the one below.

"Curry?! You're going to cook curry?!"

A little voice had excitedly asked.

"Yes sweetie, so please, here's the money. Go to the usual store today. Lunch will be served shortly after your return."

The middle-aged woman smiled gently at her son and entrusted the money on his small hands. He was so excited, he looked like someone who's opening a Christmas present.

"I'll be back right away, Oka-san!"

The young Ren dashed out from the confinements of his home to buy the ingredients for his long-awaited food, curry.

Mrs. Murakami returned to the kitchen and continued to do the preparations for their upcoming lunch, immersing herself.

This was their usual routine. Ren and her will have meals together, bond together, clean the house together, and embraces each other to sleep.

Her husband, Mr. Murakami was a useless bastard. Gambling here and there, drinking alcohol everyday, and addictive to drugs. He would come home drunk and high, resulting to offensive words and abusive acts.


"Thank you, Obaa-chan!"

The innocent Ren saying his gratitude towards the old lady who owned the shop he and his mother usually go to, to buy some ingredients for his mother's heavenly recipes.

Ren ran on the streets in a rush, with plastic bags containing the ingredients for the curry, hanging on the crook of his elbows.

"Oka-san! I'm home! Oba-chan was also kind tod-"

Ren was horrified to see his mother lying on a pool of blood with someone or rather something hideous on top of her, drinking her blood by the neck. The plastic fell on the floor, scattering the ingredients.

That something hideous turned to the noise, only to find the finest prey with the top-quality blood of all humankind, child blood.

The monster ran towards its prey, making Ren focus on what's happening. He immediately ran outside of their house shouting for someone to help him get rid of the monster running on his tail.

"Help! Please! Help me please!"

Ren cried at the top of his lungs. He yelled and yelled, hoping that someone could hear him. But no, silence was his friend.

The street he went to was dead silent. He couldn't hear anything. No one was there.

He ran and ran to the utmost of his ability, hoping to avoid being killed by the monster behind him.

Of course, a human child can't possibly outrun a vampire with the abilities of enhanced speed and agility.

The monster Ren called was a Level-E vampire. In other words, 'Level-End' vampire, a vampire that loses it's humanity and goes mad with bloodlust.

The Level-E vampire caught up with him, almost touching the tips of Ren's hair, reaching for his head.


The Level-E vampire turned into dust.

Ren looked for the sound, unexpectedly meeting with a hooded figure - shorter than him - and dead pink hues.

"How unsightly they are, right human?"

A voice that belonged to a child but also seemingly not. The eyes that Ren sees are not the eyes of a normal child. Dead eyes that hides the deepest pain a person could possibly carry - Death.

"W-who a-are yo-you?" A worn out Ren had tiredly asked.

"A being that a mere human like yourself shouldn't know about."

"W-what?" Ren couldn't comprehend the words the girl - at least that was what he thought - was saying.

"My name is Fumiko Sakurai. Address me as Fumiko."

Both children stared at each other for seconds before Ren had the courtesy to also introduce himself.

"Ah! I-im Ren Murakami..."

"What is it? Say it." Fumiko odered.

Even though Fumiko was younger than Ren, the authority of her presence alone was not a joke.

"W-what was that m-monster?" Ren stuttered, obviously nervous from standing with the hooded figure who vents so much power that he - a human child - could even feel it.

"Level-E vampire" Fumiko stoically answered. Not really wanting to talk with a human in town. She only planned to leave the manor after locking herself up for a year and 3 months to feed on something.

A pureblood child like her could only feed on someone through a kiss; supposedly taking the energy of that person.

"O-oh... ah! By the way, thank you for saving me from being killed by that mons- eh.. um.. Level-E vampire!

Ren bowed gratefully at Fumiko.

"I didn't do it to save you, human. It was nauseating, so I killed it."

Fumiko turned around to leave, already bored to the events that has been happening.

"How can I repay you for saving mu life Fumiko-san?"

The 7 year old Fumiko halted, enticed to what Ren had asked.

"Interesting." Fumiko chuckled.

"Owe me your life." Fumiko answered, then glanced back at Ren for his response.

Ren was stunned to what Fumiko had said.
He stood agape, thinking about his answer to the girl's command.

"I already owe you my life."


That's how our dear Fumiko and Ren had met! That's 840 words in total! 🤗

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