C H A P T E R 7

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The Night Class has situated themselves in their respective seats, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Fumiko sat by the massive windows, overseeing the moon, while prompting her chin on her palm.

Kaname settled beside her, reading a book, glancing at the delicate form of his beloved - being kissed by the moonlight - occasionally.

The door of the classroom slammed open, and came in was no other than, Toga Yagari.

"Starting today, I'll be your Ethics teacher. The name is Yagari Toga. It's a pleasure to meet you... vampires." He said with so much loathe.

All the vampires groaned in annoyance, their eyes glowing red with animosity.

"Yagari? That's the same name of the current 'number one' vampire hunter." Ruka remarked, looking at the man on the corner of her eyes.

"Well, he is that 'number one' vampire hunter you spoke of, Ruka-san." Fumiko confirmed, while still gazing at the full moon outside. Her voice was calm with authority, making the vampires and Yagari look at her way.

"Well, what do we have here? I have heard from that idiotic Headmaster that he invited you to join the Night Class; I wouldn't have thought that you would agree, Fumiko Sakurai." Yagari pointed out.

"Why? Are you afraid, Yagari?" Fumiko asked seriously, her tender smile - gone, while her glowing red eyes looking at the vampire hunter with spite.

"No, I'm not afraid, you may have killed the former president of the Vampire Hunter's Association, but your hand wouldn't get past through my chest, Sakurai." He chuckled, but seriousness were seen in his narrowed eyes.

So it is true... Waah, Fumiko-sama's scary. The Night Class thought.

"Ahahaha! Well, aren't you here for the same thing, vampire hunter?" Fumiko amusedly laughed.

"Unfortunately, my 'to kill' list is completely blank right now. However, should you not listen to my lectures for even a second, then I wouldn't mind adding you to the list." Yagari repulsively narrowed his eyes at Fumiko.

"Wha- How dar- " Hanabusa started.

But he was interrupted by the windows suddenly breaking into fragments. Shards of glass flying everywhere.

"I wish you wouldn't say that so casually, Yagari-sensei." Kaname stated, his voice dripping with venom each word.

"Relax, you guys. Today, I am an official teacher with a certified teaching license."
Yagari said nonchalantly, as though there wasn't any breaking of glass the male Pureblood had caused.

"Oh my, is that so? Then, I'll be careful from now on, Ya.ga.ri - sen.sei." Fumiko teased brashly, mocking his name on the way.


"Fumiko-sama, please be my guest as we celebrate my birthday at midnight. It would be an honor for me to have you as one of my guests."

After night classes have ended, the Night Class students went to their respective rooms to prepare for the birthday party for Takuma Ichijo. He had invited Fumiko as she had yet to be informed about the party that night.

"Of course, Ichijo-kun. It would be my pleasure." Fumiko had agreed to go to his birthday party.


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