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The gymnasium of Stoneybrook High School was dark, halloween decorations hanging around the room.

It was reasonably busy when Julia and Sam arrived, and people were talking around the sides, a few people dancing, all wearing basic costumes or sfx makeup.

Julia put her coat down on a chair, and Sam did the same, and they headed in to join a small group of their friends.

Around an hour into the dance being on, the room was getting more and more crowded, and Julia found herself becoming more and more uncomfortable.

She eventually tapped Sam on the shoulder, "can you come with me outside?" she asked quietly, and he nodded, unsure why she wanted to do so, but he didn't question it.

"Are you okay?" he asked, and Julia nodded slightly, "just not really feeling this dance any more" she shrugged.

"Do you want me to call my mom to pick us up? We can go and have some hot chocolate or something" Sam suggested.

"I think I'm just going to go home, I don't want you to miss out on the rest of the dance"

"yeah, well it will be no fun without you"

"are you sure?"

"yes, and the offer for hot chocolate isn't going anywhere"

"alright then, I'll come" Julia said, wiping her eyes and smiling a little at Sam as he got out his phone and called his mom, asking her to pick them up.

They sat next to each other on a nearby bench in a comfortable silence, waiting until Sam's mom pulled into the car park and they got up, and they went back to Sam's house.

When they went inside, they went into the kitchen and Sam made them both a hot chocolate, putting mini marshmallows on top, and they sat down at the table in the kitchen to drink them.

"Are you feeling ok now?" Sam asked, and Julia nodded, smiling at him, "yeah, Im feeling much better, thank you"

"That's good" Sam said, as he had been worried when Julia started to cry.

Once they finished their hot chocolates, Julia stood up, "I should probably get home now" she said, and Sam nodded.

"I know its only next door, but do you want me to walk over with you?" he asked, and Julia nodded, "sure" she said.

They headed outside and went up to Julia's house next door, walking past Kristy who was returning from the babysitting job that she was very sceptical about taking.

"Oh, hey guys, why arent you at the dance?" she asked, and Julia quickly said, "we uh.. we came home early"

"oh okay, well see you next week Julia" she said, pulling a slight face at Julia's answer.

Julia and Sam ended up standing on the porch of Julia's house, and Julia smiled at him, "Thank you for being there for me earlier" she said, giving him a quick hug before she went to unlock the door. They said goodbye, and Julia went inside.

𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 | sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now