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"The video you just saw was of me going into insulin shock, shortly before my diabetes was diagnosed in April."

"And the videos you saw of me were the result of Panic Disorder. I used to get panic attacks under situations of stress."

The two girls stood in front of a group of adults, mainly their past clients.

"The videos were sent to you by the agency to try and convince you not to trust our club, and I know it looks bad, but I am much better now."

"I am too, many of the panic attacks were provoked by bullying, which brought high amounts of stress upon me. Since I moved here, I have had a maximum of two attacks in the past six months." she said, looking over at Sam, who was stood at the side, for support.

One of the women sitting in front of them spoke up.

"I'm so sorry that this happened, both of you, but I need to know that my kids won't wind up in an unsafe situation."

"what about medical equipment? It could be dangerous if a child came into contact with it, right?"

"I guess the question is, can we be sure that she won't have another episode like this, or that Julia won't have another panic attack while babysitting?"

people started to murmur in agreement.

"The truth is, you can't." Stacey said.

"If you don't feel comfortable with us as a sitter, we understand. But please don't punish the rest of the club for it." Stacey continued.

"All of them might be younger, maybe the can't stay out as late as me, but they do care" Julia added on.

"If it makes you feel any better, I will resign from the babysitters club." Stacey said, and Julia nodded in agreement, "me too"

Another woman stood up.

"I don't think that will be necessary."

Everyone looked to the woman.

"Hi, I think I know most of you. I'm Peggy Johnassen, Charlotte's mom. I'm also an endocrinology specialist at Stanford Presbyterian, and I noticed Stacey's insulin pump right away. Did you know that, Stacey?"

Stacey shook her head.

"I witnessed her manage her symptoms while looking after Charlotte, if anything, Stacey is more mature than most kids her age given her health challenges, and Charlotte is always asking when she is going to come back and play with her kid kit."

Stacey smiled at her.

"As for Julia, I have witnessed her in situations where she has been stressed, especially when children have a tantrum, and I'm sure you have too. From what I can tell, she poses no threat to your child."

"When Claudia sits for Ella and Nina, we always come home to some art project that they have made, or hear about all the books Mary Anne read to them, I haven't noticed that with the agency."

"Every time Kristy sits for my son Jackie, they run soccer drills in the park. One time I told him to go to bed, and he said you're not the boss of me, Coach Kristy is"

Everyone in the room laughed.

"We just needed someone who could stay late sometimes, so that's why we use the agency."

"Julia is in high school, she turns fifteen next month, so she can be out later than the rest of us. And the agency tried to bully her and Stacey, is that really the example you want to set for your kids?"

Everyone around the room nodded.

"And the rest of us will work on the curfew thing, right mom?"

Kristy's mom looked uncomfortable, "We'll talk about it"

"In the meantime, we're still offering special rates for out loyal customers"

Everyone laughed, and started to talk.

Sam went over to Julia and smiled at her, "you did great, are you feeling okay?" he asked, and Julia nodded, smiling at him.

A few weeks later, they were walking down the road, all holding gifts for Kim, who had just given birth.

"I wanna hear the whole birth story! Mom says I came at 8am, eyes wide open, observing everything!" Claudia said, and Stacey laughed.

"I was born at 4:36am, right?" Kristy asked her mom, who nodded, "ready to take on the world!"

"My mom doesn't remember what time I was born at, after thirty hours of labour. Mary Anne, Julia, what about you?" Stacey asked.

"I was born at 2:16pm as far as I know" Julia said, laughing a little.

Mary Anne smiled, "I don't actually know"

Kristy's mom turned to Mary Anne, "you should ask Mimi, I bet she knows, she was really good friends with your mom."


"Meet Lucy." Kim said, smiling, holding a sleeping baby in her arms.

"Julia, do you want to show the other girls how it's done?" she asked, and Julia nodded, smiling at her.

Julia sat down, and Kim passed Lucy to her, and she carefully held her in her arms while everyone crowded around her.

"Welcome to Stoneybrook, Lucy" Julia said softly.


𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 | sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now