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"Need a sitter? I came up with that!"

The girls were crowded around Stacey's tablet, watching an advert for the babysitters agency.

"Those girls are in high school, aren't they?" Claudia asked, and Julia nodded. "Why don't they loiter at the mall like normal teenagers?"

"Nobody is gonna want to hire them instead of us, right?" Mary Anne asked, "Stacey?"

Stacey hesitated, "no, definitely not."

Kristy looked at Mary Anne, "Madam secretary, will you please read our upcoming jobs?"

"Stacey is sitting for Charlotte Johnassen Thursday, Julia is with the three youngest Pikes, I'm with the Marshalls Saturday and Sunday, plus, Newton's new baby is on its way any minute!"

"I'm so excited!" Julia said.

"Ahem" Kristy said to get everyone to stop talking.

"Kim said last month that she's gonna really rely on the club to watch Jamie in the early days."

"So then we're thriving." Kristy declared, "the babysitters agency don't stand a chance, it's just proof of our success. They're trying to get a piece of out action, so we need to differentiate ourselves from the competition."

Kristy was quiet for a moment, before standing up, "Kid kits!"

Everyone looked at her with a blank expression.

"Oh Kristy, what's a kid kit? Well I'm so glad you asked!" Kristy went over to Claudia's desk and got out a box, "Mary Anne, why do I love going over to your house so much?"

"Because it doesn't smell like a teenage boy?" Mary Anne questioned.

Everyone laughed, "Fair, but no. Besides, Julia barely leaves my house. Because your dad has every board game known to man. And, Stacey... well, I've never actually been to your house before, but I'm sure you have lots of great stuff."

"I really can't wait to have all of you guys over" Stacey said, "my mom just wanted to finish the... uh... the bathroom renovations first."

Kristy sat down, "And Claudia, the motherlode, imagine if Claudia brought all of her amazing stuff every time we came to play... I mean... hang out." she quickly corrected herself.

"Genius!" Mary Anne said.

"So we fill the boxes with old toys, and we'd use club dues to supplement for what we don't have. We'll bring the boxes to every job, and the kids will be so excited to see what we've got."

"We have to decorate them!" Claudia got up, running over to her desk.

Claudia started to hand out craft supplies, wrapping paper and pens, and everyone sat in a circle, decorating boxes.


𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 | sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now