Chapter 3: Travel

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Flame's Pov

I had just traveled to town of flowers with no expectation of anything happening. The clouds were pretty gray in the sky, indicating that it'll rain soon, but I paid no mind to it. I had a reason on why I was where I was, but I ended up coming to town earlier than I expected. I planned on going to find a place to have breakfast at least, but I ended up running into someone when I was looking around.

I managed to catch her before she fell and gazed into her big brown eyes and long puffy lavender hair watching me surprised. She was very small and wore a wide dress that hid any signs of her even looking like she was sixteen years old as she claimed.

At first I just thought she was a kid from the way she spoke and the way she ate. She was pretty cute when I first met her, and I felt sorry for her situation after the owners of the cafe told me about her after she left after she shared her dessert samples with me.

She receives aid from the townsfolk all the time but never considers staying with anyone. It turned out that she was an orphan who loved the meadow so much that she refused to leave it at any point. She was so determined to find her family that her illness wasn't enough to stop her.

I watched her leave after being certain that she was going to look for her Pokémon. Her small feet shakily ran out the door and her carefree behavior lead her to ignore her illness to use it as determination to do something dangerous.

The first time the Dear couple told me about her, I ended up going to the meadow and go see what the place was like for a little girl I thought she was. I ended up seeing her riding around and found her laying by the river, breathing heavily and was burning up.

Holding her in my arms was strange when I took her home. Her curves sunk into my hands and she wasn't as light as she looked. She was a very open girl and spoke like someone that wasn't a kid at all, despite her calling Team Galactic; meanies.

I come to like the girl because of how easy it was to talk to her. I couldn't help but sink into her eyes and listen to every word that she said, but I felt weird for looking at her in that way. If I knew she was sixteen before, I wouldn't have felt so weirded out.

She was defenseless when facing Commander Mars of Team Galactic. They get on my nerves often. I got angry at the fact that those people hurt Flora. I did what I had to do to protect her.

"Please..." the townsfolk had looked at me after Flora left the café after stating that she was going to look for her Pokémon "Young traveler. If you can find any way, please help Flora" Mrs.Dear begged me, giving me an umbrella.

I could see how much these people cared about Flora. I couldn't keep any promises, since I'm quite busy myself, but I ended up nodding and left to answer a phone call ringing in my pocket.

"Yo" I answered.

"Where are you?" My brother asked over the phone.

"Why does it matter, mom?" I rolled my eyes, saying it sarcastically.

"It matters! No matter what, I'm still your little brother!" I looked around town, seeing how much the rain was picking up. It's not good for Flora to be out here in this kind of rain. I heard this place didn't rain that often. What gives?

"And?" I chuckled, starting my walk with the umbrella over my head "Your point?"

"I care about you!" He yelled. I shook my head at the claim and spotted Flora going towards the field again. For a small girl like her who doesn't look and act her age, she's pretty stubborn to get herself in dangerous situations. I chuckled to myself and hurried to catch up to her.

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