Chapter 6: Executive

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Flora's Pov

Shinx snapped her tail at her opponent after defeating the Glameow she faced by using Fire fang, ice fang, and thunder fang without taking a command from me since I didn't know what moves she had. What an amazing move set for a Pokémon that was recently hatched!

"That was amazing!" I cheered. The grunt smacked his lips at us.

"Getting owned by some kid" he muttered "But you can't do a thing if I lock myself in with my key!" He ran inside and locked the door behind him.

"Huh?!" I started banging on the door angrily "Open the door, you big meanie! Give me back my Pokémon and release the hostage!" I kicked the door and hopped to hold my foot when I did it too hard "Damn!" I went back to where the little girl and Flame was "Why are you still here?! I thought you were going to follow me!" I told him.

"There are grunts around here. I wouldn't want this girl to handle them on her own. You called the shots and ran on your own, so I couldn't tell you that I was going to stay behind" He explained. I guess that's a good excuse. I didn't even have enough time to think before running off, but it sounded like he made an excuse "What's going on?"

"The grunt that was guarding the door locked the door behind him, so I have no way in" the girl dug in her pocket and gave me a yellow key.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you this. You wouldn't had lost time" she frowned as I took the key "I'm sorry for asking you to help me, but I can't do this myself" I smiled and pet her head.

"No one is expecting you to. What's important is that you're in a safe place. Your papa would want you somewhere safe, okay?" She nodded "Flame will stay here to watch over you, right?" I asked Flame.

"That's the plan, unless you want to trade spots and let me handle it?" I shook my head.

"This is something I have to do. I'll trust you to keep the girl safe" I waved "I'll call you if I need you" he nodded as I ran off back to the windworks, where I used the key I was given and slammed the door open, making the grunt I faced earlier jump at the sound.

"You had a key?!" He gasped.

"Locking it was meaningless! It just showed how much of a coward you are!"

"What did you say?!" He looked like he was about to swing at me before stopping himself. I gulped and nearly lost balance at the thought of getting hit with no way of dodging quick enough "This is no time for physical violence, especially to a little girl like you" I pouted "I've got to alert the commander" he ran off. I gulped and hugged myself.

"That could had went terribly wrong" I looked at Shinx frowning at me "It's fine. We need to focus on the task. Ready?" She nodded confidently and followed me all over the building to find those stupid Team Galactic punks!

I ended up having to battle against a few more grunts who were roaming the building like security before making it to the top floor, where I spotted the girl who took my Pokemon away from the meadow!

"You!" I shouted, getting her attention. She looked at me boredly before smirking a bit.

"Oh, I remember you. Little flower trainer" she crossed her arms "To whom I owe the pleasure?"

"Give me back my pokemon!"

"You came all the way here just for that? Like I know what happened to them?" I started shaking in anger "You and that brat in the hood ruined everything. Now that you're here, I can finally teach you a lesson about messing with us. You came a long way just to rescue this guy" she pointed at a man tied in rope, reminding me of why I came here. I settled my anger and calmed down a bit.

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