Chapter 19: Fullmoon

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Flora's Pov

The boat that was waiting for me after Byron, Canalave City's gym leader, called for my free ride. The captain ended up being the man who I saw with the kid that's been asleep for a year. He put on a smile I could tell was forced and told me he will take me safely to Iron Island.

"Thank you, sir" I sat on his boat with Vaporeon on my lap.

"No need to thank me! Byron told me he'll be taking care of this trip, so enjoy what you can! You get to see the world, you're one of the lucky ones!" I frowned at him trying hard to be happy, but his eyes told another story.

"I wish there was a way I could help you, sir... If I had an answer, I would give it to you" he looked down to hide his expression "Did your son wander into that inn?"

"Yes... He's still pretty young so he didn't know right from wrong. Kids always want to explore and don't see what can happen to them" I looked down, knowing the feeling.

"I know the feeling"

"You do?" He looked surprised.

"Yes. My best friend and I went exploring when we were kids. We lost our way and our memories"

"For how long?"

"We recently remembered after a few years. We reunited after we separated as well, since we forgot each other" I put my hands together "All I hope is to bring everyone together... I want to find some way to help your son"

"No, it's okay. The fact that you have a kind heart makes me glad that you were able to wake up" he smiled sadly "Let's take you to that island" I smiled back and nodded "Anchors aweigh!" He shouted before sailing.

The trip across the ocean was scary at first since the sight of land disappeared, but it was really refreshing to just enjoy the breeze before we arrived. The captain drove to a harbor with many other boats and I spotted one in particular that stood out to me.

"They're here?" A boat with a Team Galactic's logo was on a boat "I think I won't end up taking long after all" I told him, feeling like I should take care of whoever was on the island instead of training.

The island wasn't very open to tourist. It was a good spot for training and gathering materials for different companies or whatever. I can only guess why Team Galactic would be here, but I had to focus and not get in my negative emotions or I may regret it.

While on the search, I met with this gentleman named Riley who watched the way I battled against a trainer who wouldn't leave me alone all because they wanted a battle. Seeing my talent, Riley asked if I could possibly help him investigate something. The cave's Pokémon behavior was different and he asked if I could give him some of my time.

"Well, since you asked so nicely, sure" I smiled "I'm also investigating something. A organization that calls themselves Team Galactic is on this island and I'm looking for them"

"I never heard of them. I often spend my time in this cave training my Lucario"

"Oh! A Lucario? That Pokémon is strong! It's been hard beating one in Pokémon gyms!" He laughed.

"He's a good partner, I'll tell you that" there were many more annoying trainers who keep asking for battles. Riley helped me double battle to get through this place faster. We navigated through different paths and entrances until we finally spotted two Galactic grunts talking to each other.

"There" I pointed, pulling him towards a wall to hide.

"They seem shady. I bet it's them that's agitating the Pokémon" he glared and hurried to face them. I quickly followed and stood by his side "You both! You're responsible for agitating the Pokémon. Who do you think you are to do something like this?! You can never come up with a good enough reason!" The grunts looked amused and snickered at each other.

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