Chapter 26: Willpower***

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Flora's Pov

"Sweet..?" I quickly looked around when hearing someone speaking at the same time I heard water splash, but there was no one around. Is it just in my head? Or... Is it that girl I saw before?

"It's... suppose to be sweet" I said outloud for her to hear me from somewhere. Is she really truly here in this kind of world..? "It's also a different color" I dug in my bag and took out two Peacha berries I saved from the basket Gardevoir gave me "You have this kind of tree too" I walked up to the Peacha berry tree that had a faint color to it and tried a bite of it "There's no flavor in this, but..." I set down the berry I had in hand "This may taste different. I'm sorry for taking your food. I'll leave these here for you to try" I left the tree area to keep looking for Giratina and Cyrus.

"Why is there someone in a place like this..?" I asked while jumping on a few floating rocks separate from each other "There's probably a reason she's here" I still have the Lunar wing I promised to give her when I get the chance.

"Here!" I heard Mesprit call. I looked up to see it waiting for me on the other side where there was a stable walkway. As soon as I reached it, gravity moved my body to stand upside down.

"Mesprit!" I glared, making it laugh and fly away. This entire place was a trip. I constantly had to fight with gravity all the time to walk forward, downward, left, right, upside down, right side up, and sideways! I was already out of breath from all this panic.

"..." I already noticed Cyrus close by, watching the world from a walkway that was sideways to my direction, so it was strange to see him standing on the wall "The shadowy Pokémon isn't here" he told me. His eye was twitching horribly.

"Can't really take you seriously right now" I sweatdropped "You did all this"

"It abandoned me here, then disappeared somewhere further down... Was it content merely to interfere with my plan..?" I looked at my hand that was once covered by the black liquid that came out my mouth nonstop for awhile "do you know the concept of genes?"

"What's that have to do with this?"

"Genes can be considered the blueprint of all life-forms. That includes human and Pokémon alike. Genes are contained in a DNA strand. A DNA strand consist of two chains of opposing characteristics in a spiral" I narrowed my eyes, thinking back at the red chain "if one of the chains were to be broken, the other could replicate it. One or the other cannot exist without the opposite. Do you understand where I'm going with this?"

"In a different way, I assume?" The only thing I can think of like that is Flame and I "Look" I scoffed "I don't care what you mean or what you think. Giratina is the only one who lives here" possibly "you should not interfere with anything! I will not let you get away with trying to destroy our world" he looked away.

"No... It's not the only thing that lives here" did he see her..? He just shook his head "The shadowy Pokémon must play a role in keeping the worlds in balance. That is why it must have interfered and brought me here" he looked back at me, still twitching his eye and flinched for no reason "the shadowy Pokémon must have made this bizarre world. That's why trying to change our world disturbed it and made it reveal itself, but that's all irrelevant"

"What?!" I glared. He understood why Giratina brought him here and he says it's irrelevant for it to do that to him?! "You're irrational!"

"What matters is defeating that Pokémon and making this world disappear. I won't allow it to interfere with me again. With it gone, neither world will be able to revert to its original state..." he huffed and walked away.

"That girl lives here... for whatever reason she's here" I remembered the surprised look in her eyes when we met underwater "I can't let you interfere with her chance in seeing how great our world really is. I'm going to give him a real piece of my mind!"

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