Chapter 23: Meeting

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Flora's Pov

Dawn really didn't want me to go and kept saying that even if this was something I've been doing, that I shouldn't get myself into these dangerous situations. She knew what I was capable of after Lucas told her about me, but for some reason she was against letting me go anywhere now. Lucas had to hold her back as she cried for me leaving. It broke my heart to see her that way, but I had to do what I had to do.

"I wonder what was wrong..." I frowned while on top of Tropius taking me to Veilstone city once we left the bus stop from Mt.Coronet "I think there was trigger after I told her my name. Could she have been part of the childhood I forgotten about?" I sighed "I can't think about that right now. I have to stop Team Galactic and find Flame" I looked at my Poketch "Looker said he'll be waiting for me, so let's hurry" Tropius nodded and flew to the city that I didn't get to explore as much as I wanted due to a stopping point.

I landed on my feet and looked around for any signs of Looker. He said he would be by the warehouse at the Veilstone HQ we visited before, but I couldn't see him.

"Ah-hah!" I flinched at the sudden noise and looked behind me. Dammit Looker... Stop showing up like this! "There you are! I got some great news!" He showed me a key "this is the storage key for entering the Team Galactic hideout" I took it surprised.

"How did you find it?"

"Don't worry about the details. I am a International police after all" he huffed "We can enter their hideout now. You have your reasons for this mission and you've been a big part in it, so take the lead. I will join you shortly-" I smiled at the key. Great... Now I can finally find Flame, rescue the Pokémon of the lakes, and save the world, if possible!

"No time to lose!" I lifted the key in my hand in victory and ran off to the warehouse without letting Looker finish his sentence. I made it to the warehouse and looked around, then saw Looker right beside me, scaring me.

"Looker!" I glared "Stop showing up randomly like that!"

"You seem anxious" I looked down "There's no turning back now. We come so far. Open the door with the key" I nodded and walked up to the metal door to open. The doors opened smoothly and Looker peaked inside to look around "I'll go first, be careful" he went off on his own. I sent out Houndoom and pet his head.

"Houndoom, this whole thing I'm doing has been dangerous from the start" we walked around pass the open door "But they took something from me that was dear. After I got them back, they took away that boy you saw at the lake. He's my best friend since we were little, but we forgot each other for a long time. He snuck me out to explore. I remember his Ralts teleported us to Lake Acuity" I held my head aching "Uxie... the pokemon of the lake. Flame and I promised to protect it. Same goes to Azulf and Mesprit, but it's strange how we ended up in those lakes and faced legendaries" I sighed "Flame is important to me. He was adopted by a bad person, and that person poisoned his mind. But it doesn't make Flame a bad person. It's unlikely he's aware of the real situation..." I looked at Houndoom staring at me "Once this is all over, we're going to meet the rest of my Pokémon and our moms. Would you like to meet them?" Houndoom calmly nodded. I kissed his forehead before putting my attention back to the warehouse and dealing with the grunts that were around.

By some point after battling for so long without a break, I was getting really tired. There were tons of stairs, I ran a bunch of times, tripped, and more stairs! Not to mention the bus ride earlier wasn't really all that comfortable and all I could think about were the guardians of the lake, Dawn's anxiety, and Flame's lips on mine.

I blushed and shook my head to get of the memory and faced a new metal door I couldn't open, even with the storage key!

"Dammit!" I punched the door and whimpered at the pain. Houndoom made noise to get my attention. I looked down to see something in his mouth "what you got there, buddy?" I opened my hand so it could give me a key "A key?!" I lifted the key to the door and watched it open "Houndoom! You're a life saver!" I hugged his head, and ran forward, passing some grunts talking to themselves.

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