Part 1

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Bailey woke up in a giant pile of white snow. It was soft and fluffy, the definition of a perfect snowfall. She rubbed her eyes, trying to recall what had happened. Then she remembered- the trip, the crater- the voice. Alarmed, she sat up. Around her, she saw a small figure sitting in the snow. The figure looked at her. 

"ah, you're awake!" The figure said. He had a deep voice, but when she looked at him better, she saw-

"You're a skeleton!" She said, alarmed.

"yep. live and in person."

"Wow— I'm- I'm Bailey." The skeleton smiled.

"i'm sans. sans the skeleton." He extended his hand and helped her up. As she grabbed his hand, a fart noise sounded. As she laughed, the skeleton smiled widely. "the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it's always funny." She brushed herself off and looked back at Sans. She was talking to a skeleton, something she never thought existed. "what's up? said Sans. "you look like you've never seen a monster before, kid." 

Bailey nodded, confused. Her mind swam. Was she supposed to know this place? She almost asked about the voice, but hesitated. Bailey had read enough books to know that you don't tell people the mysterious things when you first meet them. She looked up to see the skeleton knocking intensely on what looked like a large, wooden door. As his rapping on the door intensified, his expression became more and more worried. He finally bent down, and let out an extremely quiet gasp as he picked a handful of grey specks off the ground. 

"that's... odd." He muttered.

"What's odd?" Asked Bailey.

"nothing." Sans said, louder this time. "you look hungry. i have some hotdogs at my station." 

Bailey graciously followed him to a large wooden stand. She took a dog- (or was it a cat?) and bit into it. Looking into the stand, she saw pillows and bottles of ketchup. "Do you even WORK in this thing?" she asked.

Sans nodded. "mhm. i do a ton of work. a skele-ton." 

Bailey giggled, which made Sans grin. 

"hey, kid." said Sans. "there's a town up ahead, why don't you get going over there. i have to go report something to my friends." She saw him give a worried glance toward the door. "see ya kiddo." He walked over a bridge, and Bailey started to follow him. She looked down at her hot dog/cat to take a bite, and when she looked back up- Sans was gone. She shrugged it off, not knowing what to expect with skeletons, and continued 


"ok party people, we got a problem." 

Sans burst through the door to Alphys' lab, surveying the scene. In one corner of the room, his brother, Papyrus, was eating spaghetti at a small table with Mettaton, Alphys' entertainment robot that had a soul. At the other, Alphys and Undyne were watching some weird anime. Undyne grumbled and turned off the TV. 

"What's up?" She asked. 

Sans hesitated for a moment. "tori's not replying- through the door i mean."

"W-well, that doesn't n-necessarily mean anything bad, d-does it?" asked Alphys. Sans reached into his pocket. He pulled out the grey dust he had found on the ground. 

"look." he said. Everyone gasped and then went silent.

"Does- does that mean she's dead?" asked Papyrus shakily, breaking the silence. Death was still a new concept for his brother, but up until now, nobody he knew had died. Undyne rushed over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. She nodded.

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