Part 5

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The 4 final survivors were sitting in Alphys' lab, their old meeting place. Undyne was curled up on the recliner, her expression indescribable. Mettaton had taken his usual spot on the table. The couch was occupied by Napstablook and Bailey.

"Guys..." Bailey said, breaking the long silence. "I'm so sorry- If it wasn't for me, this all wouldn't have happened."

Napstablook scooted over and wrapped her in a ghost-hug. "It's not your fault!" he said. "That demon would have found a way, no matter what."

Bailey smiled. "Thanks, Blooky."

Mettaton laid back on his hands. They heard him whisper something like, ' I ship it' but it was barely audible. "Darling, like my cousin said, it's not you. You were possessed, and didn't know."

Bailey smiled at the robot. Undyne was the only one who hadn't talked yet. Bailey glanced over at her. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked.

"I- I just can't believe he took her." she said. "First Papyrus, now Alphys-" Her voice cracked, and she cut off, leaning back in the chair.

"He knew she was smart enough to come up with a device to stop him." said Mettaton." He made his way over to Undyne. "I promise, we'll get her back. She was my best friend."

Undyne nodded. "How- how are we going to beat him?"

It was silent for a second. "You know what?" said Napstablook. "We- we have to do SOMETHING." Bailey stood up.

"Yeah! We need to take initiative. We need to take him down."

"We should elect a leader!" said Undyne.

"I vote for Bailey." said Napstablook. All eyes went to him, and he blushed. "I- I mean, she knows what being possessed is like, a-and knows the most about Creame."

Everyone chimed in in agreement. "Well- thanks!" said Bailey.

She thought for a moment. "Wait a second. He's a demon, right? And when he took Alphys, he disappeared... I GOT IT!" She smiled as everyone looked at her. "Another dimension! That's where he gets his magic from! All we have to do is destroy it."

Undyne jumped up. "Alphys has something that can do that!" She ran into a different room, and came back with a tiny spherical object. "She told me about this once. It can destroy, create, and teleport you to other dimensions!"

Bailey cut in. "We can split up! One group will travel to the other dimension. There, they will rescue Alphys, and destroy it. I think that only two of us should travel to the other dimension, just in case something goes wrong."

"I should go," said Undyne. "She's MY girlfriend."

"No, I should!" said Mettaton. "She CREATED me.

As the two started bickering, Bailey looked at Napstablook. "We should go." she interrupted.

"But-" said Undyne and Mettaton.

"I agree." said Napstablook. "You guys are stronger! We need you down here, just in case. If Creame escapes.." he looked at Bailey. "I don't think we could fend him off ourselves.

"Fair, beauties." said Mettaton. "No time to waste!"

Undyne nodded. "You guys can do this!" she said. "Bailey! You don't have a weapon- Napstablook is incorporeal, but you're completely unarmed. Come on." She led the 12 year old to a room, and handed her a mini spear. "I forgot this last time I was here. Take it!"

Bailey made her way back into the main room. "Ready?" she asked the ghost. Napstablook nodded, and they started to leave.

"Blooky!" called Mettaton. As the ghost came over to him, Mettaton hugged his cousin. "Listen. Be safe, darling. I know you can't die- but even ghosts can get stuck in other dimensions."

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