Part 3

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Alphys stared at her girlfriend's unconscious body in the grass, her spear next to her. "Oh my god.." she whispered, over and over again. How did this happen? Alphys could see that Undyne had no apparent wounds- Who WAS this killer? She took out her phone and called the first person she could think of- Sans.

"S-Sans! U-Undyne's unconscious i-in a p-patch of grass in waterfall- P-please get here as fast as y-you can!" Alphys hung up the phone and looked around. There was a quiet 'pop' and Sans appeared. He stared at Undyne.

"what happened?" He asked.

"I-I don't know! A-as you know sh-she stormed out- I hadn't seen her since."

"c'mon," said Sans. Alphys picked up the spear and followed him. Sans used his magic to lift Undyne into the air, and with one of his quick "shortcuts", they were at the lab. They ran inside and lied Undyne down on a small operating table.

"T-thank you so much Sans!" said Alphys. If he hadn't been there- if she was too late... but there was still a panic inside her. What if she WAS too late? Even after calling Sans, it might not have been enough. Alphys nervously took out her phone. She rapidly dialed Mettaton.

"Hello, Darling?" came the voice.

"Mettaton! So much has happened since you left-" Alphys started rambling. She needed to tell it to someone, it still didn't feel real.

"Alphys, Darling, slow down! I can barely hear you- but I have some news. Shyren disappeared. Two nights ago, we were camping out, and in the morning, she was gone. I'll be back soon. Now get some rest."

Alphys started to protest, but Mettaton hung up the phone. She sighed and lied back. She looked up at her ceiling. At some time she ended up drifting off into sleep, and the next thing she knew, it was morning.


When Bailey opened her eyes that day, she didn't know where she was. It looked like- the inside of a volcano. It was hot, with towering cliffs. At the bottom of the cliffs, there was lava. As Bailey felt around her, she was surprised. Why was there sand here? It was grey and didn't match the atmosphere at all. Suddenly, Bailey had a realization. That wasn't sand- it was dust. If she had woken up in a pile of dust- that meant-

"It's me..." she whispered, shocked. "But-but how?"

She stood up and brushed the dust off of her. She opened her journal and wrote:

Bailey Hill's Journal

It's me. I'm the killer. I don't remember doing it-- but every time I heard the voice, I could never remember what happened next. It was like I was being... possessed! Wait...

As she wrote that last sentence, the dust started to rise around her. Gasping, she watched, as it shaped into a... well, a phantom. It looked like a ghostly shaped boy. 15 years old, maybe. She backed up against a wall, fearing for her life. 

"Well, well, well..." said the ghost. "You've figured it out."

Bailey gasped. It was the voice, the one she kept hearing. "W-who are you?" she stammered.

The ghost laughed. "You don't need to know that, sweetheart. But- you can call me... Creame." Creame made his way over to Bailey. "I don't need you anymore. You're just a threat now."  The phantom summoned a gust of wind and knocked her into the cliff. "Goodnight- Bailey Hill." 

As she fell, the journal fell out of her pocket. It tumbled off a cliff, and onto one of the blocks of ice leading to the CORE. 

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