Part 4

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Undyne stared at the skeleton in the doorway. The tall skeleton looked fine, no scratches whatsoever. 

"How- how are you alive?" she asked.

"Well, he's a demon. Just like how he attacked you, I didn't die." said Papyrus.

Undyne nodded, still in shock. She looked over at Alphys, who was just as surprised as she was.

"Hey, can you call Sans over here?" said Papyrus. "I want to say hi to my brother! Hmm.. Make him think something's wrong though." he laughed. "Tell him that there was an emergency at the lab- and Alphys needs his magic!" 

Undyne picked up the phone, and texted Sans. "Do... do you want anything to eat?" she asked.

"We can make spaghetti!" said Papyrus. Undyne nodded as the two best friends ran to the kitchen.


             Sans ran over to the lab. He barely ever ran, but he knew that if something went wrong there, the possibilities of malfunctions were endless. What had happened? Had something gone wrong with the power? He ran through the doors, hearing the familiar jingle of the bell. "what happened?!" he said, as he burst into the room.

"SANS!!" yelled a voice. Sans' jaw dropped. The voice belonged to-

"papyrus?" he muttered. "w-what... how... bro!" Sans ran over and wrapped his brother in a hug.

"I missed you Sans! One could say I was... Bonely!" Papyrus said.

Sans chuckled. "i missed you too bro!" Sans followed Papyrus into the kitchen. Undyne waved, and the three proceeded to make spaghetti together. 

Alphys, on the other hand stood at the doorway, thinking hard. Something was off, but she just couldn't put her finger on what it was. All she knew is that something was very wrong here. Very wrong.


             Looking around, Bailey saw that there were a few ice cubes, so she hopped on to one. As she rode on it, she concluded that it went to a place called the CORE- but she wasn't sure how she knew the name. Deep in thought, Bailey wondered how to clear her name- when she realized something was wrong. It was getting hotter and hotter by the second. This place, the CORE, probably powered the whole underground, and if she was riding into it- Bailey was about to get melted. As she looked around, she saw a branch, that for some reason was stuck in the wall. She grabbed on to it, and as she pushed herself forward, she swung to safety. 

"Phew!" she said. "Now, to clear my name." She'd put in the journal that it felt like she was being possessed, but they might think that it was a cover story. If she could get to them- yea, that was it. She'd just have to tell them that Creame could posses people! They seemed to like the place called "Snowdin" so she decided to go there. As she was beginning to leave, she noticed something odd. There was an extra shadow on the wall, but she was the only one there. Laughter rang out.

"Ha! You aren't getting out this time. You will stay right where you are." The demon laughed, and placed an invisible barrier surrounding her. Then, as quickly as he had appeared, he was gone. Bailey scoured the wall, searching for an exit. Just when she was starting to panic, she heard a sort of- engine noise. Looking up, she saw a plane-like monster. She called out to it.

"Hello! I won't hurt you. I'm Bailey! Can you- well, can you help me?" The plane hovered down to her level. 

"Well..." The plane blushed a bit. "Yeah! I'm Tsunderplane. I can't get through the barrier though-"

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