Part 2

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One week later:

For Bailey, every day had been the same. She woke up, traveled a bit, and went back to sleep in the Snowed Inn. It was Sunday night, and she had just laid down to sleep. When she closed her eyes though, everything went cold- she hadn't felt like this since she'd fallen down. Realizing what had happened, she tried to open her eyes and sit up- but the same thing happened. She felt like she was getting pinned down and then- everything went black. She heard the voice again. "Bailey- you're mind is mine now."


It was the team's one-week meeting. Papyrus and Sans got there second. Undyne was already there, reading new guard applications on the couch. When they walked in, a bell jingled. It was Alphys' new security system. Undyne saw them and waved Papyrus over to her. 

"Hey, Paps! Great job this week- so, I was thinking, maybe we could start doing less of the preparation and more of the assessments in your next training!"

Papyrus was overjoyed! Seeing Undyne smile at a surprised Sans, he said. "Really? Like- what type of assessments?" The answer was what he was hoping.

"Oh, just to be a fully-fledged royal guard member!" said Undyne.

Papyrus freaked. "OH MY GOD! THANK YOU!" he yelled. 

Alphys walked in, evidently knowing about Papyrus' great news. She smiled at the skeleton before taking a spot. She had been recently elected as a sort of treasury for the team. 

"H-here's the news." She said. "M-Mettaton found Napstablook s-somewhere in the CORE. T-they should be back b-by Wednesday."

Undyne cut in. "I vote to extend the time- maybe tell him we moved our meeting place to the ruins? That'd throw him off." Everyone laughed. 

"A-also," Alphys continued, "T-the whole of Waterfall is gone: except one monster. She, w-well, she's friends with Napstablook, a-and when s-she saw him leaving, s-she went with him- and when w-we called Mettaton, she was there t-too. Her n-names Shyren."

Undyne looked excited. "Shyren? She's about Bailey's age- I used to give her piano lessons! Really sweet- she and her sister live in Waterfall!"

"That's good!" said Papyrus.

"As co-leader, I think we should send someone to patrol- I was looking over Alphys' shoulder at the cameras today, and every day, the killer goes back to the Snowed Inn." Continued Undyne.

Sans stood up. "then how do we not know who is it?"

"T-thats what I was going to s-say next." Cut in the royal scientist. The k-killer is somehow blacked o-out. All w-we see is a dot w-with a knife." Undyne nodded. 

"Can I go out to patrol?" asked Papyrus. Undyne and Sans caught each other's eye. 

"sure, bro. just keep an eye-socket looking for the killer at all times." said Sans.

"Thanks, Sans!" Papyrus ran out of the lab.


Papyrus happily skipped through Waterfall. Today was going great! He was one step closer to his dream, and he got to do some cool spy stuff! He stopped at a giant shimmering waterfall, taking a peek inside it. He hummed as he went along the beautiful crystal path. The glittering, illuminated stones in the corner just made it better. Out of the corner of his eye, he then saw a dark shadow. He whipped around but shrugged it off. He was almost at Snowdin. Continuing into the passageway, the air immediately chilled. Even though he had no skin, he shivered. He saw something and whipped around. There is was that shadow again. 

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