Part 7

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Gally looks over at you. "Y/N!" He says throwing a fist in the air. Everyone cheers and begins to chant your name. Newt smiles and chants as well. You walk over to Newt, and he says "Weeell, Y/N. I think it's time you properly met everyone." He guides you through the crowd and you spot a boy. It was the boy you had punched earlier. You stop, and Newt looks at you. "I'm not ready to talk to him yet Newt." He walks closer to you. "It's okay, better to get it over with, right?" You slightly nod your head and begin walking over to him. "Y/N meet Minho. Minho, meet Y/N." He looks over at me and I tense up. "I'm sorry about earlier. I acted out of fear, and people do stupid things in fear sometimes." I look at the ground. He smiles at me "No worries. It was stupid on my part to grab someone who was in total fear like that. I think it's safe to say that I deserved that. Welcome to the Galde Greenie. Or Y/N I should call you now." We shake hands and walk alway. We walk over towards Gally. "Nice fight you put up back there. That was impressive." He crosses his arms. "The way you were running earlier, I almost thought you were fit to be a runner." Newt quickly looks at him. "Gally, no. No way. She stays inside the walls at all times." I look at the both of them. "What? No, no way. I want to help Newt." I look at him with a worrying face. "Sorry Y/N. It's just too dangerous." Gally walks away, and we walk towards someone different.

"Y/N meet Frypan. He cooks the meanest stew, as you've already had the pleasure of tasting." Newt smiles "Nice to meet you Y/N. I hope the food was good for you?" I smile at him "It definitely was, thank you." We say our goodbyes and walk away. "Well, I think you've met most of us. Everyone else you will most likely meet on your own. Newt shows me to my bed, so that we can end the insane and crazy day I've had.

Newt X Reader ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now