Part 11

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Minho falls to his knees. I look over at him. "Good job. You just killed yourself." He says. I walk over to him. "No, no we will be fine Minho, we just need a place to hide." I quickly walk around in fear looking for any place we could possibly hide. "Maybe here? No, that's to small." I say. "Y/N, stop." Says Minho. "Maybe here could be a good place!" I walked around ingnoing Minho telling me to stop which seemed like forever. "STOP!" I finally stop and look over at him with a frightful look on my face. "Don't you get it?! We're already dead. No one survives a night in the maze. No one ever has." I stare at him in silence. We heard the scream of a greiver. "We need to go." Minho says as he quickly stands up. "Come on!" We both take off running. We ran forever, but that wasn't enough. We came face to face with a greiver. We both took off in the opposite direction as the greivers chased us. I can't explain the ultimate terror that was going through my body at the time. Minho pulls me over quickly into a gap at the bottom of the walls. The greiver walks slowly looking for us, following in our footsteps. I hold my mouth to make as less noise as possible. The greiver bends down and makes eye contact with me. It screams, and I take off running. I look behind me and Minho was no where in sight.

Meanwhile in the glade

"NOOO!!" Newt bashes his body up against the wall. His eyes fill with tears in less than a second. "Oh my god..." Gally says with wide eyes. Newt slowly falls to the ground. "I told her not to go. WHY?! She didn't bloody listen!" He stands up prancing back and forth. "Come on Newt. We need to go." Gally says. "NO. I'm staying right here. I'm not going anywhere. I need to see if she comes back." He says looking at the ground. "Newt... We both know how this is going to end. For Y/N AND Minho. C'mon man." Newt sits there in the grass, and doesn't move an inch. "Suit yourself." Gally walks away along with the other gladers. For the rest of the night, Newt prances back and forth waiting for sunrise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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